Change of Plans (Marina)

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Maya Bishop tightened the grip she had on Carina DeLuca's waist as she backed them against the door of her office, the result of a simple 'hello' kiss that turned heated very quickly. Tanned hands ran through blonde hair, moving round to hold the fire captain's face as their bodies pressed against each others and pulses started to pick up more. Carina spun them around so that Maya's back was now up against the door and continued kissing her, their lips moving together perfectly. Maya managed to slip a a hand underneath Carina's dark blue shirt, trailing up her abdomen and grabbing at her bra clad chest. 

"Maya," Carina moaned softly as she briefly separated their lips and tilted her head back which Maya took as the opportunity to press rough kisses on her neck, gently grazing her teeth at the base of her jawline. "Maya,"

"Hm?" The blonde continued to run her hands over Carina's body, her lips relentless on her neck. 

"They're going to think that-" The brunette took in a sharp intake of breath at a particularly rough bite from Maya. "Think that all we do is have sex,"

"I mean," Maya pulled away briefly and looked up as Carina slowly opened her eyes. "You want to stop?" The fire captain's hands returned to her girlfriends waist as she gently caressed her skin. 

"I just think I should get to know the people here more," Carina replied. "We spend a lot of time in your office making out which is not a complaint but, I think I should at least try,"

"It's not my fault that you always show up looking... so good," Maya whispered as her eyes trailed down Carina's body slowly, her mind thinking back to the time Carina showed up in this gorgeous yellow dress to only have Maya pull it off of her body in a matter of minutes. Thank goodness her office has a lock. "But we can go out, they're all probably eating or something,"

"See, you need to eat as well," Carina pointed out as she pressed a quick kiss to Maya's lips before stepping away so she could fix her top.

"I was going to eat... something," Maya shrugged with a small smirk on her face while Carina just rolled her eyes. 

"Keep your appetite for when we're home," The brunette said as Maya opened the door, allowing her to walk through. 

"Yes ma'am," The fire captain nodded her head quickly, grabbing Carina's ass as she walked past which just earned a glare from the Italian as they walked off to where they could hear everyone talking and laughing. 

"And she said that she seasoned it well but forgot that the colour of the seasoning makes it slightly more difficult to know if it's cooked through, hence I was on the toilet, absolutely-"

"I don't think I want to hear the end of that sentence," Maya laughed as she walked over to the table where Andy, Vic and Travis were all sitting, a bowl of freshly prepared fruit in the middle of them.

"Carina! Hi! I didn't even know you were here," Vic beamed as she patted the spot next to her.

"I haven't been here that long," She explained as she sat down. "I just went to her office and we were talking for a little,"

"Talking," Travis wiggled his eyebrows and tried to hold in a laugh as Maya's cheeks turned pink. "What? The walls aren't that  soundproof, plus I've said it before and I'll say it again, if I was dating this gorgeous Italian woman of yours, I don't think I'd ever leave the bedroom,"

"This is why we should be out here more often," Carina laughed while her girlfriend carried on blushing, pushing her tongue into her cheek. 

"Yeah, watch it Bishop or I might just have to get a taste myself," Vic wrapped an arm around Carina's shoulders and pulled her close, sticking her tongue out playfully. 

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