Carina Meets Jack (Marina)

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Carina DeLuca reached out to gently trace her fingers along her girlfriend, Maya Bishop's face. They were cuddled up together in bed, the only sound in their bedroom was the noise of the clock ticking and their quiet breathing.

"I have an idea," Carina whispered as she leant back slightly. Maya opened her eyes and expectantly looked at her girlfriend, waiting for her to continue. "Can I come to work with you tomorrow?" The fire captain raised an eyebrow as she tried to figure out whether Carina was being serious or not.

"To the Station?" She queried, brow furrowed.

"Do you work anywhere else?" Carina laughed softly as she ran her fingers through Maya's hair, pushing it out of her face. "Yes, to the Station,"

"Why?" Maya asked. "You have a day off and you want to come to the Station?"

"Si! I want to see how my sexy girlfriend bosses everyone around," Carina smiled, wiggling her eyebrows playfully while Maya just rolled her eyes.

"What if we get called onto a scene? You won't be able to come with me,"

"I'll make your office look pretty," The brunette replied happily. Clearly she had thought this plan through before saying anything. "And at least I'll get to spend a little more time with you," Carina added as she leant in closer to Maya's face.

"Mhm, okay," Maya sighed, pressing a quick kiss to Carina's lips. "You can come to work with me," Carina cheered gleefully then pulled her girlfriend in for another kiss.

"I won't be able to sleep now, I'm so excited,"

"You're a fool. You've been to the Station countless times," Maya laughed as she laid on her back and watched Carina dance around from where she was now sat up in their bed.

"Yeah, and where do I go? Your office and then out again. Maybe I'll even go the gym and get all muscly like you," Carina suggested as she reached over and slowly ran her hand up Maya's arm and squeezed. "Maybe you can use the gym and I'll watch," She said, her voice lower as she unconsciously licked her lips. "And you'll get all hot and sweaty and need to shower and I can-"

"Yeah, you're right I do need to get a vigorous work out done," Maya interrupted. She knew that if she allowed Carina to continue speaking, they probably wouldn't get to sleep for at least another two hours and she had work in the morning. Well, they both do now.

"Great," Carina smiled happily as she laid back down and pulled the covers up to her chin. "Good night. Kiss me," Maya laughed as she leant over and kissed her girlfriend.

"Good night," Maya whispered before getting comfortable herself in bed. "Alarm is set for six thirty!" Carina held up a thumb in reply, she was just excited to spend the working day with Maya.


"Carina! You said you wanted to come to work with me so you have to get up," Maya stood at the end of their bed, completely dressed with her hands on her hips while she stared at her girlfriend who was still under the covers.

"I am up!" She grumbled, turning over and glaring at Maya. "See?"

"Good. Now get ready," Maya said before walking out of their room. Clearly, she was already in Fire Captain mode. Carina pulled herself up and began to get ready by taking a quick shower then changing into a pair of black jeans and one of Maya's hoodies, her favourite red one. She ran her hand through her hair as she walked into the kitchen where Maya was eating a banana and reading something on her phone.

"Ready," Carina smiled as she pressed a kiss to Maya's cheek then quickly took a bite out of her banana.

"Uh, excuse you," Maya gasped. "I would be mad but you're wearing one of my hoodies," She shrugged as she tugged on the hoodie strings then finished off her banana. "Okay, let's go," Maya said, quickly slapping Carina's ass as she walked past her. The brunette just rolled her eyes then followed her girlfriend out to the car.

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