Red Carpet Event (Stefanielle)

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Danielle Savre sat next to Barrett Doss as they both had the finishing touches done to their make up. Tonight was the red carpet event for the premier of Station 19 Season 5 and Grey's Anatomy season 78. It had been planned out so that everyone attending would go to the studios where they film to get fitted in their outfits and to get hair and make up done, then they would be escorted to the location of the premier. 

"I feel like I haven't done one of these in ages," Danielle said nervously, tapping her foot on the leg of the chair she was sat on. "I need some candy. Do you have any candy on you?"

"Not at this moment in time," Barrett laughed. "Don't tell me the stash in your trailer has run out?"

"No! I just really want something now," She shrugged, a little pout on her face. 

"You'll be finished here in about a minute," Sandra, the make up artist said as she got Danielle to close her eyes. "And you'll be taken to fittings in about ten minutes so you have just enough time,"

"Perfect," Danielle beamed as she opened her eyes and looked at herself in the mirror. It wasn't very often that she needed to wear glam make-up, one being because Maya would have no reason to wear glam and two because Danielle wasn't the most confident with a set of brushes herself, but she definitely looked good. "All done?"

"All done," Sandra confirmed with a smile on her face. Danielle thanked her as she got up and fixed her robe. 

"I'll see you in the fitting room?" Danielle directed to Barrett as she stood by the door. Barrett held up a thumbs up in response and it was all Danielle needed to set off towards her trailer in need of some candy. She knew she had gummy worms lying around somewhere. But then her eye caught sight of the only thing that would make her forget about candy ever existing. Something much sweeter in her opinion.


She was making her way across the lot wearing her white robe and grey slippers, hair tied up in a messy bun with a few strands framing her face. 

"Stefania!" Danielle called out as she changed her route and jogged over to her girlfriend. "Hi," She smiled happily once she reached her, Stefania mirroring the same smile. 

"Hi. Wow, look at your gorgeous face," Stefania swooned as she tilted her head to the side and even under the make up, she could see Danielle blush just a little. 

"You like it? Sandra did a really good job,"

"I love it. You look beautiful and I'm so glad they're about to do the same thing to me," Stefania laughed softly. 

"You don't even need it," Danielle said as she admired Stefania's features. "Are you wearing a dress?"

"I told you that I'm not telling you. We're travelling in different cars so you'll see when we're on the carpet,"

"But I told you that I'm wearing a dress!" Danielle pouted, swinging her arms back and forth. 

"Because you were very excited about it. I like the element of surprise," Stefania said with a soft smile on her face. "Give me a kiss and I'll see you later," 

"Can't I get a little clue?" Danielle asked quietly as she leaned in. Stefania pressed a quick kiss to her lips with a smile on her face. 

"No, now let me go and get glammed," Stefania squeezed Danielle's hands before sauntering off towards hair and make up. She honestly could go to the event dressed exactly how she was now and Danielle would still believe that she was the most beautiful person there. She thinks that about her anywhere they go anyway. At least she still had time to run into her trailer and about four minutes later, there was a knock at the door telling her to leave to get her outfit on. 

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