Dates (Stefanielle)

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A collection of Stefanielle dates 
(They're not connected so treat each one like a completely new one-shot)

*The Dog Walk*

Stefania had a soft smile on her face as she walked up to Danielle's front door, a small bag in her hand, a few strands of hair blowing around in the wind. She raised her finger and pressed the doorbell, taking a step back as she waited. The first thing she heard was Ford barking from inside, and then the faint sound of Danielle's voice telling him to stop barking. She smiled as she remembered how frantic Jeff used to get whenever anyone even came near her house. 

But her thought process was interrupted when Danielle opened the door with her bright smile, a very excited Ford running around by her feet. 

"Hi, bella- Ford! It's just Stefania, calm down!" She said, watching as her dog jumped up at Stefania, tail wagging so fast it seemed like he could fly. 

"He knows I have treats," Stefania said as she ruffled the top of his head. "Don't you? Yeah, you do," It always warmed Danielle's heart to watch them interact, and she knew she'd picked a good one as she watched Stefania take out a small pouch of dog treats from her bag and hold one out above Ford's head. 

"Ah, of course, that is why he's obsessed with you," Danielle laughed, leaning against her door frame as Ford calmed down to eagerly eat what Stefania had given him. 

"You give someone treats, they fall in love," 

"What treats did you give me?" Danielle asked, a small smirk on her face. Stefania raised her eyebrow and gave the blonde a knowing look before leaning forward, one hand coming up to Danielle's cheek before slowly closing the gap between them. Stefania kissed her slowly, moving her thumb against her face and only breaking the kiss when Ford began to frantically run around their feet again. 

"Ford, I was giving Mama a treat too," Stefania teased, the puppy looking up at the both of them with the sweetest eyes. 

"You can give Mama her treat after this walk," Danielle said, pressing a kiss to Stefania's cheek before turning back towards her house. "Stay there, I just need his leash!" She called out, quickly walking off to grab it from where she had left it on the kitchen counter before making a return to her girlfriend. 

"If he wasn't excited before," Stefania laughed, watching Ford dash towards Danielle, kicking his hind feet.

"Yeah, he likes walks," Danielle laughed as well as she held him still and managed to secure his collar and leash. "Especially walks with Mama's girlfriend, oh yeah," She whispered, knowing that she much preferred doing everything with Stefania. 

As she shut her door behind her, Stefania held out her hand, to which she handed her the leash. The brunette just laughed and moved the leash into her other hand. 

"I meant I want to hold your hand, dummy," She laughed, Danielle making a face of realisation as she took hold of her hand. "Thank you very much,"

"Mhm, anytime," Danielle hummed, adoringly glancing at Stefania. "I was thinking we can stop off at that cute little coffee shop as well?" She suggested, eyes focused on Ford walking a few steps ahead of them. 

"Yeah, I like that one," Stefania nodded, beginning to swing their hands back and forth. "Next dog walk date, I will bring Jeff," 

"Yes! Even though I think Ford tires her out." Danielle replied, laughing quietly. 

"Maybe just a little," Stefania said, her voice slightly higher. "Ford will be running laps of the park and Jeff will be laying by my feet,"

"Pretty much, yeah. That just means I will need to buy Jeff a coffee as well,"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2021 ⏰

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