Happy Valentine's Day (Stefanielle)

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"Amazing work like always, Stefania," Stefania smiled gratefully at the director as she walked off set, grabbing her Station 19 coat that was left to the side. She was more than relieved to be done for the day, a yawn involuntarily escaping her body as she stuffed her hands into her pockets. She wondered if Danielle was still around by any chance, even though she had just seen her this morning when she stopped off by her trailer. 

Stefania shivered slightly as she made her way into the trailer park, a brisk wind wrapping her around her. She sped up her pace a little in aid to get to her trailer faster, a few strands of hair floating around. She had her head down as she continued walking, the wind making her eyes water. She was more than ready for hot weather again. 

She glanced up when she saw something floating past her, a red, heart-shaped balloon. Stefania furrowed her brow slightly and hoped that no one actually needed that because when she turned around, it was high up in the air. She continued walking, deciding what she wanted for dinner that evening. Though her thought process was interrupted when she looked up upon arriving at her trailer to see the front door surrounded by red, heart shaped balloons, a small teddy bear placed on the steps of her trailer and a very beautiful Danielle standing to the side holding a bunch of red roses.

"I didn't have time to change," Danielle laughed, motioning down to her black trousers and Station 19 top. "But I have a red dress in my trailer!"

"Bambina... what is all of this?" Stefania asked quietly, the cold suddenly not bothering her as she took a couple of steps towards Danielle. 

"Will you be my Valentine?" Danielle asked, a large grin on her face as she held out the flowers to Stefania. The brunette pouted as she took hold of the flowers and nodded. 

"Yes, of course," She laughed softly as she placed her free hand on the side of Danelle's face and kissed her. "I thought I was anyway because, you know, I'm your girlfriend?"

"Well, yeah but I wanted to actually ask you," Danielle explained as she rocked back on the balls of her feet. "This is our first Valentine's day together and I want it to be special," Stefania felt her heart melt in her chest as she gazed into bright blue eyes. 

"You're kind of perfect," Stefania sighed as she kissed Danielle again, though she felt her shiver which made sense as she didn't even have her Station 19 coat on. "Where's your coat?" Stefania asked as she rubbed Danielle's arm then moved to unlock her trailer door, picking up the teddy bear before entering. 

"I was running  back and forth too much, it became a hindrance," Danielle laughed as she gathered the balloons and brought them in as well. "I was actually kind of nervous," She said, shutting the trailer door behind her and sighing happily at the warmth she was provided with. "It didn't help that one of the balloons flew away so it wasn't even on both sides,"

"Yeah, it  drifted past me," Stefania laughed as she took off her coat. "Were you actually nervous?"

"Yes!" Danielle exclaimed like it was the most obvious thing ever. 

"But you knew I would say yes," Stefania laughed again as she walked over to her girlfriend and draped her arms over her shoulders. 

"Doesn't change the fact that I get nervous around you," The blonde pointed out, a shy smile on her face. "You know that anyway though," Danielle added, voice barely above a whisper as she pushed herself up onto her toes and kissed Stefania. She brought her hand up to her girlfriends face and held her close, taking in a deep breath as they continued kissing. 

"That's because you always stutter around me," Stefania mumbled then burst out laughing. Danielle feigned offence and pushed her away, even though her, and everyone who had ever seen them interact knew. 

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