Return of Doctor Sweetheart (Part 2)

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*Smut warning at the end. If you don't want to read the smut, just stop when they pull into the driveway*

"How exactly would that play out?"

Carina sat at her desk at the end of a long day. Her and Arizona ended up running more tests than they anticipated on Mia Foxton, which meant it took a lot longer to go over everything. They also felt bad because they could see how tired the poor girl was, not to mention the fact that she was doing all of this alone. 

"What was that study..." Carina thought out loud as she typed something into her computer and watched as search results popped up. "Maybe I should ask Jo to do this. Who's my intern actually?" She sighed as she ran a and through her hair and stared at the screen. Sometimes it was just easier to do the work herself at the end of the day. So Carina continued to work away, making notes and referring back to scans. She probably wouldn't have stopped if someone didn't knock on her door. 

"Come in!"

"Hi," Arizona peeked round the door, holding it with both hands with a smile on her face. "Still working?" She asked as she walked in and over to Carina. 

"Uh, yeah. Just wrapping up," She replied as she looked up at Arizona then back down at the work in front of her. "Are you headed... wait, where are you staying?" Carina asked when she realised that it was organised for Arizona to be here for at least three days. 

"I booked a hotel," Arizona replied as she leaned forward slightly to get a better look at the screen. Brown eyes flitted upwards towards her ex whose eyes narrowed in concentration. "I did a case in New York," She begun as she pointed to a specific procedure on the screen. "I'll get someone to send over the file, it might be helpful,"

"Thank you," Carina smiled in gratitude, still looking up at Arizona but as soon as the blonde looked down at her, she looked back at the computer screen and bit the inside of her cheek. 

"Are you doing anything after you've finished?" Arizona asked as she straightened up and smoothed out her white blouse. 

"Probably just going home... to Maya," 

"Oh. Well, I might go to Joe's if you wanted to as well? I haven't been there in forever and Wilson already left," Carina pondered the offer and almost laughed when she remembered what Maya had said to her earlier. "Or if you need to get home to-"

"I could do with a drink," Carina announced as she started to close tabs on her computer. A smile graced Arizona's face as she walked back towards the door. 

"Lovely! I'll let you finish up and I'll be downstairs. I want to find Doctor Bailey quickly,"

"Buono," Carina smiled and watched as she shut the door behind her. It was a stressful day, no harm in a quick drink to unwind with an old... friend. Carina changed into the clothes she had with her, dark jeans and a light grey vest top paired with a red flannel that she was pretty sure was Maya's. After a once over in the mirror, Carina headed downstairs and spotted Arizona by the reception desk, speaking to Bailey.

"I might need to scrub in on this case," Bailey said to Carina, so of course that meant that she would be scrubbing in. "Well it's always a pleasure to see you, I'm glad you came to find me," Bailey said, turning her attention back to Arizona as she squeezed her hand. 

"You as well, Doctor Bailey," Arizona smiled, she had to admit that she did miss being at Grey Sloan. 

"I'll let you go, see you both tomorrow!" Bailey waved to the pair of them as she walked off. 


"To Joe's we go,"


"You didn't? Oh my gosh!" Carina burst out laughing as Arizona told her about a woman she had hooked up with in New York. Apparently, there was something that Carina once did with her in bed that she tried to replicate but it went very wrong.

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