Red Carpet Event Part II (Stefanielle)

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"That was amazing!" Jaina exclaimed as everyone began to make their way out of the screen room. "I'm excited to see what the fans say,"

"Yes! And most of the press pictures are probably released now as well," Barrett added as she turned around to seek Danielle and Stefania who were strolling over hand in hand.

"See? No funny business!" Stefania announced proudly. 

"You're acting like that was the hardest thing you've ever had to do," Jaina laughed as they made their way out of the building, following directions that led to the exit. 

"It was," Stefania said seriously. "Look at her. Keeping my hands off of her is the most difficult thing ever,"

"Stop it," Danielle blushed, running her thumb over the back of Stefania's hand. 

"You guys are sickeningly cute, you know that right?" Barrett chimed in as she linked her arm with Jaina's. 

"Yes," Danielle grinned as they could begin to feel the night air flooding in through the open doors. The smile on Danielle's face dropped slightly as she let go of Stefania's hand, she could hear paparazzi outside and didn't want to risk anything. 

"Just do this," Barrett said, pointing to the way she had linked arms with Jaina. Stefania held her arm out courteously, waiting for Danielle to wrap her arm around it. 

"My lady," Stefania said quietly, amused as she watched the blush rise up on Danielle's cheeks, "Oh, I want to kiss you already," 

"You don't make this any easier," Danielle sighed as she ran her fingers along her girlfriends fore arm. The sooner they were away from the cameras, the better. The four of them exited the building amongst the other Grey's Anatomy and Station 19 cast, greeted by the flashing lights. They turned when they heard their name being called, but for the most part continued walking.

"I want to see what all the fans are saying," Danielle said excitedly as she caught sight of the car that had all of their belongings inside. 

"You're so good with this stuff," Stefania commented as they finally moved away from all of the paparazzi. "With the fans, I mean. Liking things and replying and doing lives," Danielle gasped and stopped walking, her eyes wide. "What?"

"Can we do a live?" She asked, a smile on her face.


"When I get my phone. We can set it up somewhere and just do one quickly," Blue eyes were wide and hopeful as Danielle looked up at Stefania.

"Okay, we can do that," Stefania relented, the smile on Danielle's face somehow growing more as she cheered. 

"What are we celebrating?" Barrett asked, turning around from where she and Jaina had walked ahead. 

"I'm going to go live for a bit," Danielle replied happily as they arrived at the car. 

"You and your lives," Jaina laughed. "I'll pop my head in though," Danielle clapped her hands together as they greeted the driver and reached into the car to get their belongings. 

"Is your stuff in my bag?" Danielle asked as she stood by the door in which Stefania nodded her head to. "Perfect," She turned around, handing her small backpack to Stefania as she pulled on her hoodie, leaving it unzipped. "Thank you, sir!" Danielle called out as they all began to walk off further into the carpark. 

"Set you phone over there," Barrett said, pointing to a wall with a very convenient ledge sticking out of it. 

"Holy shit, we do look amazing," Jaina said as she started to scroll through her phone, looking at all the pictures of them that were circulating. "Oh my gosh," She laughed loudly, tilting her head up to the sky. "Everyone is saying that Stefania can rail them," Barrett began laughing as well whereas Danielle gasped and Stefania just looked kind of confused. 

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