Late Finishes (Marina)

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Maya Bishop wrapped herself in a soft, white towel after having a much needed shower at Station 19. It had been a long yet fairly uneventful shift. A child got their head stuck in the railings at a playground and a group of panicked kids couldn't put out a fire that they had created in a metal bin but those were the only things that she was called out for.

The rest of the day was spent going through some paper work, cleaning the station, equipment and trucks, and doing a very intense workout. Typical captain duties. Though Maya didn't mind doing the workout as much. It was always a good outlet to yell at her friends as they did burpee after push up after squat.

She sat in the changing room in her towel and pulled out her phone, instantly opening her chat with her girlfriend.

Carina: Appointments are running late tonight

Carina: Come by the hospital?

Maya: Yeah, of course

Maya continued to dry off and got changed into dark jeans and a red t shirt, grabbing her jacket and backpack as she left. She said goodbye to Dean who was working hard in the weight room and received an out of breath goodbye in return. 

Realising that Carina was probably going to need some food, she decided to stop off at a Chinese place and grab dinner, the mouth watering aroma of noodles, spring rolls and sweet and sour sauce filling her car as she began the drive to the hospital

As she made her way across the parking lot, she passed by Levi Schmitt, an intern who had come down to the station a couple of times prior. 

"Here to see Carina?" He asked, typical friendly smile as he adjusted his bag on his shoulder.

"Of course," She smiled, lifting up her bag of food.

"Oh yeah, she'll need that. OB was so busy today. There must have been some sort of record for the amount of emergency cases that were directed there,"

"She didn't tell me it was that hectic," Maya sighed. "But thanks for the heads up,"

"No problem, I'll see you later,"

"See ya, Levi," Maya waved to him and walked off into the hospital, heading straight to the elevator like it was muscle memory. As she walked down the hallway, she could see through the blinds that her girlfriend was hunched over a lot of paperwork, hair tousled and eyebrows furrowed. Maya stood in front of the door and knocked gently, waiting for a response.

"Hang on!" Carina called out, wondering who on earth could possibly need something else. She signed another piece of paper and pushed herself up from her chair, stretching as she walked over to her door. "What can I- Maya. Hi," Her face instantly softened when she looked at her girlfriend in front of her, eyes drifting down to the bag of food in her hand. "You brought food. Have I told you that I love you?"

"Everyday," Maya laughed as she followed her into the office and put the food on her desk. "I just saw Levi in the car park and he said today was crazy busy?"

"Yeah, crazy busy," Carina sighed as she leant on the edge of her desk and ran a hand through her hair. "I need a break but I also kind of want to just get through what paperwork I have left,"

"Maybe just have a little break now?" Maya suggested as she took a couple steps towards her girlfriend and placed the bag of food on the desk so that she could hold her face in her hands. "You are allowed to," Carina felt a whole weight get lifted off of her shoulders the second she gazed into Maya's beautiful blue eyes in front of her. Gosh they were magical. She felt herself leaning in until their lips were touching and another layer of stress seemed to disappear. 

"Oh, how I've missed you," Carina whispered as she dropped her hands to Maya's waist and pulled her body in closer.  "One kiss and I feel better already,"

"Just imagine how you're going to feel if I kiss you some more," Maya smiled, bumping their noses playfully as she leaned in to kiss Carina again. The brunette felt herself sinking into the touch of her girlfriend, hands tightening on her waist. 

"Mhm, I need to finish up otherwise I'm going to get carried away and not do any more," Carina mumbled as she pulled away, drumming her fingers on Maya's sides. She had to have at least a little bit of will power here.

"Just a little bit more?" Maya pouted as she tucked a strand of hair behind Carina's ear. The brunette took a minute as she weighed up the options but she knew what the right thing to do was. Even if the right thing wasn't necessarily what she wanted. 

"Let me finish up then you can have me all you want," Carina said as she sat back down at her desk and picked up a pen. "How was work?" She asked as she read over a piece of paper. 

"Good. Not a lot happened," Maya said as she opened the bag of food and pulled out the carton of spring rolls. "Open," She said as she held one out towards her girlfriend who happily took a bit. 

"Grazie," She smiled, the bite making her realise just how hungry she actually was. "Oh, that's so good," Carina opened her mouth again, waiting patiently for Maya to put the rest of it in her mouth, sighing happily when she did. 

"You're cute," Maya said as she ate some herself. Carina just rolled her eyes and signed another piece of paper. "Don't roll your eyes at me,"

"Make them roll to the back of my head then," Carina said, a bit too nonchalantly for Maya to even realise what she said straight away but her mouth formed the perfect little 'o' shape when it clicked.

"I would have but you wanted to finish your work and be responsible!"

"Let's be honest here, Maya," Carina began, swivelling round in her chair and taking another spring roll. "If anyone was going to have their eyes rolling to the back of their head, hands gripping the desk or the sofa, struggling to stay quiet, it would be you," She leaned in close to her girlfriends face, quickly kissing her then taking a bite of the spring roll and spinning back to her desk. Maya didn't even have an answer because, if she was being completely honest, Carina was right. Not that she would say that out loud.  

"By your silence, I'm assuming you think I'm right?" Maya shrugged and took the food over to the sofa, refusing to look at her girlfriend because now she really wanted her to just drop her work and give all of her attention to her but, the quicker she got it done, the quicker they could go back to hers. 

"Just finish your work," Maya said, tapping her foot impatiently. Carina went through everything she had left quickly, flipping her hair to the other side almost every twenty seconds and doing her best to ignore the urge to just go and lay with Maya on the sofa. 

"Last sheet!" She called out, holding the pen in her mouth as she scanned over the paper. Maya jumped up, clearly having dozed off. 

"You're done?"

"I am... done!" She pushed herself back in the chair and spun around, stood up and walked straight over to Maya and climbed on top of her on the sofa, burying her head in the crook of her neck. "Thank you for being here," She whispered as Maya slid a hand under her top and ran it up and down her back. 

"Of course, my love," Maya smiled softly as she looked at Carina. "Now what were you saying about hands gripping the sofa and struggling to say quiet?"

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