chapter 53

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(Y/M/N)- your middle name

(Y/M/N)- your middle name

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     Y/N practically sprinted throughout the Hogwarts corridors and hallways, desperate to get to the front of the school to say goodbye and be with her friends once more.

She ran down each hallway, skipping every two steps as she descended down the staircase. The paintings watched as the girl quickly made her way down, a smile on her face as she bounded down the stairs.

She reached the bottom of the staircase, her feet hitting the marble floor as she ran towards the front of the school. She caught her breath once she stopped in front of the large, wooden doors of Hogwarts, the sound of students talking and laughing in the other side.

She heard people saying goodbye, talking, laughing, all of it, her smile not faltering. Y/N slowly walked towards the door, thinking for a moment as she pressed her hand to the door. She took a deep breath, preparing herself as she slowly pushed the door open. It creaked open, the voices on the other side subsiding as the wooden door fully opened, revealing the Ravenclaw on the other side.

The courtyard at the front of the school was filled with students-Hogwarts, Durmstrang, and Beauxbaton. No one talked as they saw the girl appear, everyone staring at her in awe. Just yesterday she was dead, now, here she was alive.

Everyone seemed to part to a side, creating an aisle in the middle for Y/N. Y/N looked at everyone curiously, her eyebrows furrowed together as she looked to everyone. No one muttered a word as Y/N slowly walked in the clearing between everyone, all eyes watching her every move.

She cautiously walked down the cobblestone courtyard, Fleur appearing at the end of the clearing, both girls immediately smiling as they ran to each other. Y/N charged at her, both girls bringing each other into an embrace as laughs escaped their lips.

They pulled away, Fleur looking at Y/N with a smile, the French girl in shock.

"You're alright, you're okay!"

Y/N nodded with a giggle, "I am."

Fleur laughed as she pulled her back in for a hug, everyone watching with smiles. Y/N felt a tap on her shoulder, the girl looking over her shoulder to see the Bulgarian boy she grew fond of smiling down at her.



The boy wrapped Y/N in a hug, him being taller as Y/N's face went to his chest. Viktor didn't let go, the two embracing each other tightly.

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