After a few minutes, both of their chests were heaving from the lack of oxygen, the two pulling away. Their foreheads stayed pressed against each other as they both breathed heavily, small smiles on their lips as they looked at each other with their...
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"You ready?"
Y/N rolled her eyes at Brett's question, "Yes, I'm perfectly ready to be killed by a dragon."
Jenna and Sofia hit Y/N at her sarcastic remark as the group of Ravenclaw friends walked towards the Quidditch stadium. Corey and Karan sent Y/N a scolding glare as Brianne rolled her eyes with Brett.
"Please don't say that. You'll jinx yourself," Sofia whined from next to her. Y/N huffed as she felt nerves start to tingle all over her body. Today was the day of the first task, which meant there would be dragons, four of them to be specific. Harry had told Y/N that the champions are to choose a dragon, which they would then be going against to try and grab a golden egg from in their own record time. The information only made Y/N more paranoid.
"I'm not jinxing myself," Y/N said, the group walking through the empty hallways. Her friends had been excused from class to walk Y/N to the champion tent early before everyone got to the stands. They of course didn't want to miss out on the opportunity to wish her luck before her task.
They continued to walk down the hall as they turned the corner down the East Wing, the doors leading outside now in their sight. Y/N took in a sharp breath, her body starting to grow more and more anxious with each step. Her friends noticed as Brianne went to grab her hand, sending the girl a reassuring and comforting smile.
"Hey," she said softly, "You've got this, don't worry. Remember all the charms and spells you went over and use them, and please for the love of god, make sure you don't break your Firebolt."
Y/N smiled as a soft laugh left her lips, "I promise, Bri."
The group of friends walked out of the school doors, the breeze from outside hitting their faces. Y/N looked ahead of her, the quidditch field now surrounded by stands.
"Fuck, shit, alright I can do this."
Y/N mumbled to herself, trying to somehow convince her mind that she would go good. Her friends all stood by her as they looked towards the field, their eyes taking in the sight in of front of them.
"Woah," Karan said, his eyes scanning over the field, it now double its size as it had to fit almost triple the amount of people. The group of friends all turned to Y/N, her mouth agape and her eyes slightly widened.
Y/N closed her mouth as she turned to her friends, all of them shooting her a questioning look. She turned once more to the field as she sighed before looking back to the group of Ravenclaws.