chapter 35

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Y/N danced with Cedric in the middle of the dance floor as the loud music played, the tone being almost deafening. Cedric twirled her around before bringing the girl back into him, both laughing at the goofy act.

She was actually having a pretty good night, minus the part where everyone's eyes were on her and she didn't come with Hermione. Cedric and her friends had managed to distract her from it all, the girl eternally grateful.

She had danced with Ron and Harry earlier, the girl having to contain her laughter as she looked at Ron in his dress robes. Ron scowled at her as he rolled his eyes, Harry chuckling.

"Yeah, yeah, laugh it up will you!"

Y/N only laughed harder at the boy before calming herself as she joined the two to dance. She had learned that Harry and Ron had taken the Patil sisters to the Ball, Y/N looking at the two boys amused.

"Trust me," Harry said, "It wasn't my exact choice."

Y/N snickered as they danced, both of the boys twirling her around as giggles left their lips.

"You look rather dashing in the dress robes, Ronnie. Really, it isn't as bad as you think."

Ron sent the girl an appreciative smile, Jenna pulling her from the two boys with a polite smile.

"Mind if I steal her for a dance?"

Ron and Harry shook their heads as they made their way back to their seats, Y/N quickly turning to Jenna as the two danced.

"You look gorgeous by the way, I never got to tell you that earlier."

Jenna blushed at Y/N's compliment as they danced around each other.

"Thanks, but you look great as well."

Y/N sent the girl a smile as they danced, the rest of their friends joining. Corey and Brett goofily danced, Brianne and Jenna watching the two amused. Sofia playfully hit the two boys as they danced, Karan making his way over to Y/N with a smile.

"So, where are those moves?"

Y/N scoffed with a smile as she and Karan started to dance, both smiling. The music was draining out all of the sounds around them, the bass being felt under their feet from the volume. Y/N laughed and smiled as she danced with her friends, all of them goofing off. Corey and Sofia were doing the robot as they all laughed, Brett cringing at the move.

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