chapter 30

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"Get up loser, we've got class."

A pillow harshly smacked down onto Y/N's head as she felt the blankets be yanked off of her body, the cold air in her room immediately making her curl up as goosebumps rose to her skin. A groan slipped past her lips as she quickly sat up, glaring at her three best friends.

"Aw, wake up sleeping beauty," Brianne said with a small pout, Jenna and Sofia snickering from beside her. Y/N glared at the three of them before she slowly stood from the bed, her feet hitting the cold floor under her.

"You three are so annoying, Merlin's sake," Y/N mumbled as she made her way over to the bathroom.

"You still love us!"

"That's debatable," Y/N called out from the bathroom, turning to the mirror. She picked up her toothbrush, putting a bit of toothpaste on it before brushing her teeth. After she was done, she splashed some water onto her in hopes of waking up a bit before brushing her hair. Once she was finished, she made her way back out into the bedroom, everyone getting ready.

Y/N walked over to her dresser as she picked out her Ravenclaw skirt, vest, tie, and white button up. She placed her robe on her bed before making her way back into the bedroom to change. After getting changed, she walked out into the room and grabbed her robe, quickly putting it on.

The girls were already done as they told her they'd be waiting for her in the Great Staircase, Y/N nodding. The three left as Y/N grabbed her bag to make sure she had everything. She quickly placed her wand in her robe along with her phone, her eyes scanning her messages before putting it away.

She walked out of her dorm into the girl's dormitories hallway, descending the stairs into the common room, then walking into the somewhat crowded staircase. She immediately spotted her friends, the girl quickly walking over to the group.

"Hey (Y/N/N)," Karan said, the boy wrapping Y/N in a hug. She gave him a smile before she turned to her friends.

"We all have free period, let's head to the courtyard. Ron already texted me that they're there," Sofia said, her eyes scanning over the text message on her phone. The group nodded as they started to make their way down the staircase, all of them conversing among themselves.

"Corey, step on my robe one more time and I'll push you over the staircase ledge so hard you'll hit the floor with a splat," Y/N shot at the boy behind her, Corey quickly shooting his hands up defensively.

"Hey, not my fault you're a slow walker."

Y/N shot Corey a glare over her shoulder, "Don't test me, Fogelmanis."

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