enjolras; sexily scary

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A/N: HELLO. i got bored and decided to write this. i just want to say that this one shot doesn't mean that i am continuing this book- it still belongs to the new owner- but, as mentioned previously, i was bored af 😀👍. you are kind of mean here, just warning you now. k enjoy this

"I'm so thirsty~." Grantaire whines for the fifth time. 

"Then go get a drink, moron." Courfeyrac spits.

The boys had just concluded their meeting, and were now sprawled about on the top floor of the Café Musain (as they usually were). Grantaire leans onto the wooden table in front of him and groans into his arms, "I would but Y/n is at the bar tonight." Enjolras raises an eyebrow, "so?" Grantaire shoots up. "So?! Y/n is scary, and I don't want to cry again..." Courfeyrac and Bossuet begin to chuckle at memory of Y/n yelling at Grantaire for spilling red wine all over her new apron. 

"You're afraid of a girl?" Enjolras asks in a teasing tone. He expects the boys to back up his teasing, but they don't. He furrows his eyebrows as his friends avoid eye contact with him. 

"Oh my Lord. Are you all scared of Y/n?" 

They don't say anything, but their nervous body language answers the blond. "That is disappointing." 

"Hey, she is terrifying, okay?! S-she is short-tempered, and brutally honest, a-and mean- and she is just really scary!" Marius "defends" with a crackly voice. Enjolras shakes his head and scoffs in disbelief. "Okay, but you got to admit, as petrifying as she is, she is so arousing." Courfeyrac comments before finishing off his beer. The boys, except Enjolras, raise their eyebrows and nod in agreement. Enjolras has spoken to Y/n the least out of all the boys as he hardly ever leaves his workspace, hence why he didn't understand his friends' fear of the waitress just downstairs. 

"You know one time I saw her break a wine glass in her bare hand." Feuilly says with a shudder. "How much you all want to bet she can shoot a gun?" They all "ooh" and nod. 

"Guys," Grantaire says, catching everyone's attention, "I'm still thirsty and I don't really feel like getting shot by the striking scary lady downstairs." 

Enjolras rolls his eyes, "I'll get your drink Grantaire." He begins to leave the room, but slows his steps as the boys warn him/say goodbye.

"Be safe."

"Don't make her mad please, I left my coat by the bar."

"It was nice knowing you."

He rolls his eyes again and descends down the creaky stairs and towards the café bar. His eyes fall onto the "scary" girl at the bar. Two piles of coins lay in front of her, one in her palm, the other on the counter. He assumed she was counting them. He took a deep breath before stepping towards the, he had to admit, beautiful girl. Her eyebrows furrowed as her fingers counted the coins in her hand.

"34- what? How? I just had 39. What the..."

Enjolras clears his throat as he stands before her. She doesn't even look up from the coins, and continues to count. "Oh, there. Those are worth more; stupid mistake. So, 39..." Enjolras clears his throat again, but again, she ignores it. "44... 45... that's worth more, so 48..." Enjolras' face forms pure puzzlement, he quickly looks between the stairs and woman and feels his patience run thin. 

"51... 53...5-" Enjolras clears his throat loudly and knocks on the bar counter. 

"Oh my God- WHAT?!" Y/n snaps. Her outburst resulted in her dropping some coins out her hand. "Oh DAMN IT! NOW I LOST MY" she slams the remaining coins in her hand on the counter before her "COUNT! What do you want?!" She asks harshly, slamming her fist onto the counter, resulting in surrounding glass and metal cutlery shaking. Enjolras is slightly taken aback by her anger, but he quickly regains his composure. 

"I would like a drink." 

She rolls her eyes and begins to pick up the coins that fell to the floor, "you're going to need to be more specific. There are a lot of drinks in the world; I could hand you a cup of some monsieur's pee and it would count as a drink. What specific drink?!" She spat with sarcasm as she reached under the dirty sink for some more coins. Enjolras gulps. No one has ever spoken to him like this before. It was new, and he didn't know how to act. Normally the roles would be reversed... but not today.

As he goes to say his request, his mouth falls dry. No words come out, and he feels as though his whole nervous system had just exploded into trillions of pieces. She stands up again and roughly throws the dirty coins into the large pile of now uncounted coins. She leans on the counter and raises her eyebrows at the man in front of her. "What's it going to be?" He begins to stammer his words, resulting in her rolling her eyes. "Come on blondie I don't have all night. What do you want?" 


"Jesus" she mumbles under her breath before asking louder "red or white?"


"Finally" she whispers to herself before preparing the drink that took the man in red too long to order. Enjolras nervously grips the bottom of his waistcoat as he watches the waitress prepare his order. He mentally slapped himself. How foolish he was acting. Why had he become so weak and vulnerable so suddenly? 

She slid the glass of red wine towards him. "Pay Madame later. I can't deal with you anymore." Y/n says with her hand up, turning her attention back to the coins. She sighs and begins the long process of counting out the monthly earnings. With a shaky hand, Enjolras takes the glass.

"T-thank you."

She hums a "mhm," never looking up from the coins. Enjolras purses his lips together, and without thinking awkwardly asks the spine-chilling woman, "can you shoot a gun?" She stops her counting and looks to the man in red with confusion. "What?" 

"Um" he clears his throat, "can you shoot a gun?"

"Um... yeah." She answers, confused as to why this stranger was asking her such a peculiar question. 

"Ohmygod." He quickly and breathlessly says. Y/n stands there confused, but shrugs it off and goes back to counting coins. He nods his head and looks down to the wine, "bonne nuit." She looks up again to tell him off and to leave her alone, but stops when she sees him begin to bow forward (Amy Santiago to Captain Holt from B99 if anyone knows). His body lays at a 90° angle, bowing towards Y/n. 

"Are you bowing to me?"

"Uh.. no. T-this is how I walk." And with that, he begins to walk to the stairs, still bowing. She watches him leave in even more confusion. He has trouble getting up the stairs, and she decides to look away, for the second-hand embarrassment was getting too large. She goes back to counting coins; Enjolras noticing that she isn't looking anymore quickly runs up the stairs and back into the meeting room. He slams the door behind him and exhales loudly, as if he had been holding his breath the whole interaction. He quickly gives Grantaire his drink and runs to his regular seat. 

"So, how was-"

"I don't want to talk about it."

That night, Enjolras completed none of the work he had planned to do. His mind was elsewhere, and it focused on one thing and one thing only. Y/n. Y/n did something to Enjolras. He didn't know what, but he didn't like it. She treated him like absolute garbadge, but he found it... intriguing? He liked that she was tough, that she could shoot a gun, and was overall very frightening. He hated that he liked it, but the feeling was inevitable, and Enjolras needed to accept that. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2021 ⏰

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