gavroche; amy's conjecture

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- imagine you and gavroche are walking to the musain for the latest meeting. on your way there, you pass the fountain, where many of gavroche's friends are playing

- "quick y/n! hold my hand!" gavroche whispers to you subtly

- you're confused but obey anyway

- he interlaces your fingers and smiles

- "what's going on gav?"

- "you see that girl over there? the one with the red hair? that's amy. i am going to make her jealous, hence why we are holding hands romantically."

- "gavroche! we- oh my. she would never believe that you and i are courting."

- "you're right... i mean, i am a little out of your league-"

- "gavroche!"

barricade boys imagines/one shots: volume twoWhere stories live. Discover now