courfeyrac; outré

485 13 16

A/N: has anybody heard of shifting realities? it's popular at the moment and i am seriously considering it because i am SO bored and uh, well it sounds cool. anyone share the interest? also, i am using a quote from Emma Goldman, so yeah... it's not mine. enjoy!

"Absolutely ridiculous. Ridiculous!"

"God, I know. Once he's done with her, she'll be nothing to him- it's filthy."

Eponine nods her head at my comment, but, like me, keeps her eyes trained on the man I so greatly detest kissing a barmaid in the storage closet.

"That poor woman won't even know what hit her."

"Eh, if she fell for Courfeyrac's 'charm' she probably deserves a rude awakening."

"'Ponine, that's not nice!" I say, accidentally letting a chuckle loose. She shrugs her shoulders but immediately straightens her posture when Marius enters the café. I roll my eyes at her sudden change of demeanor. "Don't tell me you're still obsessing over Pontmercy- 'Ponine, you deserve so much better." Her head whips to me, "Marius is the best fit for me. Why you speak so lowly of him, I will never understand." "Ep, it's not that I don't like Pontmercy, it's just that he is a little... blind." Her eyes remain on Marius, flaring her nostrils slightly at my commentary. "Y/n, the best love stories are the ones that take time." Crossing my legs and leaning back in my chair, a smirk falls onto my face. "Not true. Romeo and Juliet; lovers are first sight. Their love story happened this quick," I snap my fingers, "and they are a couple known by all." Turning to me, she blows a raspberry and then leaves in a huff. I watch her leave with slightly widened eyes and a smile, that soon falters when a certain male takes her seat.

"That seat is taken."

"Too bad."

Rolling my eyes, my eyes switch between the pig in front of me and the woman he was previously snogging. She wore a smile so big, I was frightened that her lips would get caught on her earrings. Her hair was messy, and her lipstick was smeared all over her face. I hide a chuckle at Madame staring at her in such confusion. Courfeyrac leans back and places his feet on the table, almost knocking over my drink.

"Hey! Watch yourself git!"

"Calm down, it's just water." He laughs slightly, "lightweight." I roll my eyes for the fifteenth time today and cross my arms. "I am not a lightweight." He scoffs, "please. You couldn't handle looking at a glass of wine, let alone drinking one. And since when are you so defensive? What, are you bleeding again?" "Excuse me?" He chuckles, and adjusts himself in his chair. "You are bleeding." "Whether I am 'bleeding' or not, it doesn't mean that I will condone daft behaviour. Courfeyrac, are you listening to me?" His gaze from another barmaid turns back to me. "What now?" Yet again, I roll my eyes but decide to make the smart decision of leaving the table and the horrid, disgusting man. I walk off but stop in my tracks, dialing back to Courfeyrac.

"Oh and Courfeyrac?"

"Move. You're blocking the view."

Should I tell him? No, I think red lipstick looks good on him.

"Nevermind. See you in the meeting. " He waves a hand at me, trying to look past my figure. He wants to be an egotistical arse? Fine. Smirking, I walk up the familiar wooden stairs that lead to the meeting room. I take my usual seat next to Grantaire and Jehan.

"What's with the smirk? What did you do?" Grantaire immediately questions as I sit between him and Jehan. "Hello to you too R. Bonsoir Jehan." He blushes slightly and nods his head at me. "No seriously, what's with the smirk? Y/n this isn't regular. What the hell did you do?" I shrug my shoulders at him, "I did nothing. Can't a girl smile?" "Not like that." Enjolras then approaches our table.

barricade boys imagines/one shots: volume twoWhere stories live. Discover now