grantaire; not so different

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A/N: i FINALLY made an official chapter one! yayayay! okay so here is a request by @newsiesfan101 . i sincerely apologize for taking so long to make it, but here it is! alright, enjoy

I look down at my pocket watch again. Where is he? The meeting was to start shortly and his tardiness is quite nerve-racking.

"Y/n, are you coming in or not?"

I turn towards the Café Musain's front door and wave a hand at my rushing brother.

"In a minute Jehan. Save me a seat, alright?"

He rolls his eyes and nods with pursed lips. I turn back to the empty street and gnaw on my bottom lip in anxiousness. This is so unlike Grantaire. When he is late, it is usually on purpose to irk Enjolras. I look up to the meeting room window, slightly squinting from the sunlight that reflected off it.


My head whips back forward, where I find myself face to face with Grantaire. He looks tranquil, which annoys me.

"You're late."

"I know, I know. That's why I got you this," he pulls out a white rose from behind his back. My mouth gapes at the beautiful flower, that I instantly accept.

"R, purchasing this flower only made you more late. You realize that, correct?" He inaudibly chuckles and digs his hands into pockets. "Well, I'd rather you be content with me being late rather than not. You forgive me, right?"

"Of course." I immediately answer. I widely smile at the gorgeous man before me, tightly clutching onto the rose, despite the thorns seeping into my skin. I would always forgive him. He smiles at me and passes by me to get into the café. His hand brushes against my waist as he swiftly walks into the familiar setting. I feel my cheeks heat up instantly from the minuscule form of intimacy. I deeply inhale and fold my lips inward to prevent myself from smiling widely again. Grantaire is my heart's desire. He enchants me. His charcoal curls, his toothy grin, I could never loathe the man. I soon follow him into the café. I approach him at the bar next to Madame.

"There you are. What obstacle kept you away for so long?"

"Wicked bats." I say nonchalantly, playing along. I take a seat beside him and place my rose gently down next to me, not wanting to harm it in anyway possible. He shakes his head smiling and places an arm around the back of my chair. My cheeks flush again, resulting in me subtly turning my head away from him.

"Madame, can I get some wine?" The alluring man asks. Madame halts her cleaning of a shot glass and angrily stares at Grantaire. He furrows his eyebrows at her. I lightly hit my elbow into Grantaire's side to hint that he is missing something.

"Oh, right. S'il vous plaît?" The older woman firmly nods her head and prepares his order. Grantaire turns his body to me, his arm touching my bare neck. Shivers roll down my spine and out of instinct, I wrap my arms around myself.

"What did you do today?"

I quirk an eyebrow at his question but then smile and respond, "same as my regular schedule. Baking, baking, baking." He nods his head. "What about you R? What did you participate in today?" His lips curl into a smirk and he begins to speak about the events of his day with utmost detail. I nod my head as he speaks, but don't truly listen. He looks so passionate when speaking about dodging a puddle of mud. I lovingly stare at him. In times like these, I feel as though it is just him and I. When his attention is solely on me, I feel important and loved.

With the arm that he had around me, he blatantly wraps my hair around his finger. It was a usual habit of his, and yet still each time that it occurred I become flustered.

barricade boys imagines/one shots: volume twoWhere stories live. Discover now