jehan; plain as a pikestaff

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A/N: yet again, a short one shot. im sorry. this one kind of sucks but whateverrrr

"Bonsoir Madame."

"Bonsoir Jehan." She nods at me. "What can I get for you?" "Just a glass of water, s'il vous plaît." I cross my arms over the bar counter and look around the main floor of the café. It wasn't as flooded as it was previously. The meeting had ended about an hour ago, and the café was absolutely beautiful to be in. The hour was 12, and the night was quiet. Such a stunning time; the wind slightly blowing, the candles dimming, and the moon reflecting off of our glasses. A small smile falls onto my lips as my eyes search the room, stopping on a certain figure that never failed to strike my heart.

"Um... Jehan?"

I shake my head and turn back to the older woman, nodding a thank you to her. She wipes her hands with a worn out brown rag, looking past me to where I was previously looking. "You've met my daughter, yes?" My fingers play with the buttons on my coat as I nervously look up at the gentle yet so frightening woman, "Y/n? Yes, yes I have." Madame throws the rag aside and leans on her elbows in front of me. Her face rests on her fists, closely eyeing me. "She isn't getting herself into any trouble with these meetings, right?" I immediately shake my head 'no'. "No! No, of course not!" Madame makes a 'hmph' sound before taking her arms off the counter to retrieve the rag again. I start taking a sip of my water, desperately wanting to escape this awkward conversation. As Madame wipes the top of the sink with the now damp rag, never looking up, she asks me, "do you promise to protect her from the dangers of this matter?" My eyebrows raise before nervously gulping the cold beverage and putting it back down. "Um, w-why me?" Madame furrows her eyebrows and looks up at me,

"well, you two are courting. I would suspect that you vow to protect h-"

"We are not courting!" I slightly shout with wide eyes. I uncomfortably shuffle in my seat as Madame stares at me with confused eyes. I then gain confusion when she begins to smile.

"What is it?"

"You aren't courting, but one of you sure wishes you were."

"Um," I look down to my glass of water, turning it in 360 degree circles uncomfortably, "what, uh, what are you talking about?" She slightly rolls her eyes, "Jehan, it is as plain as a pikestaff! If it were to be any of the boys, I am just glad it's you." She smiles at me before circling around the bar and walking towards the goddess herself. I watch her make a beeline towards Y/n, smiling as she opens her arms for a hug. I chuckle at Y/n's instant grimace. She hated hugs. Madame knew this, and liked to bother her about it. Y/n awkwardly places her arms around her mother, but she genuinely smiles about how content Madame looked with the fact that she was actually hugging back. Y/n's eyes then scatter around the room as Madame slowly releases the embrace. The worst occurs. Our eyes lock. She sends me a small smile, but I instantly turn away knowing that I would look like a damn fool if I stared any longer. My cold hands cover my hot cheeks.

Plain as a pikestaff?



barricade boys imagines/one shots: volume twoWhere stories live. Discover now