bahorel; a croissant and a cupcake

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A/N: i am thinking of giving this book away... i feel as though i am slowly walking away from this fandom, and this book is becoming more of a chore. if i do wish to discontinue this series, readers, please comment/message me if you are interested in continuing this book. i think i already have somebody in mind, but just in case. thanks! i didn't read this over for mistakes so yeah... enjoy!

My hands are so tired, holy lord. No! Keep kneading. Monsieur Callaghan wants his bread by 7:30 tonight. I grimace in pain, but carry on any way. I continue to fold the dough on the gray tabletop. Over and over again, it fold and knead my fists into the thick mixture.

"Mimi, time?!"

Mimi, my co-worker, pushes herself off the counter she was leaning on and passes by me to view the clock outside of the bakery. "Umm... well the big bar is at, uhm-" "What numbers are the two hands at?!" I ask in a strain. How foolish of me to forget that Mimi can't tell time. "Well, the bigger one is at 10, and the smaller one is almost at 6." It's 5:50. "Thanks M." She smiles and walks back to where she was leaning previously.

"So when does that guy want his bread again?"

"7:30, Mimi! I've told you over a million times!" I whine as I place the dough under a blanket to rise. I wipe my hands on my apron and sigh a breath of relief at the ease of pain on my hands.

"Y/n, I'm curious. Why didn't you just make it the day before so you weren't rushing?"

"Holy hell Mimi. Yet another thing I have told you a million times. Monsieur Callaghan likes, and only accepts, fresh bread. Keep up." She nods, makes on 'o' with her mouth, and crosses her arms, leaning back on the counter more. Before I can lecture her on her lack of organization, the bell at the entrance of the bakery sounds. We both turn our heads to see two men enter the shop.

"I'll do it!" Mimi whisper-yells at me, zooming past me to flirt, I mean assist the men with their dessert-related needs. "What can I get for you boys?" Mimi slowly asks, leaning over the table to show off the top of her breasts. I roll my eyes at her sudden change of demeanor and check on the dough. I sigh. My impatient self can't take this. The dough remains 'flat'.

"Bahorel, you know what we discussed. Whoever loses has to buy the other a pastry-"

"But you cheated!"

"Oh! I did not! Now give the woman the goddamn money!"

The man, who I assumed was named Bahorel, sighed and handed Mimi a handful of coins. I raise an eyebrow at the man beside him, jumping with clenched fists. He looked absolutely ridiculous. I check on the dough again. Ugh. RISE!

"Your order will be prepared shortly." Mimi winks at them before abandoning the register and approaching me. "The one in the gray would like a croissant, and the one with black curls would like a vanilla cupcake." I nod and begin to prepare the mens' orders. Mimi, who should be assisting me, was leaning on her elbow staring at the two men, who had taken seat at a table by the front entrances' window.

"Mimi, do you mind grabbing me the piping bag to your right?"

No surprise here, she ignores me. I roll my eyes again and reach around her to grab the bag filled with white icing. As I begin to swirl on the thick icing, Mimi sighs.

"Aren't they striking?"

Without looking up, I hum in response, not necessarily caring if I meant yes or no. I top of the swirl, and smile at its perfection. I place the croissant and the cupcake on two separate plates before roughly poking Mimi out of her gaze. "What?" "Deliver these please." She sighs and takes the plates, but she instantly puts them down after turning away from me.


"He's looking at you." She whispers to me. I furrow my eyebrows at her, and shake my head. "Mimi, the desserts." "Look. The one with the gray shirt. He's staring~." Rolling my eyes for the third time today, "Mimi, today I am just... not in the mood. Now, please deliver these desserts to the men you are so infatuated with." Without a word, and never letting her eyes leave the men, she takes the two plates and makes a beeline towards them. Finally. Once again, I go to check on the dough. It has... risen? I exhale and place the cloth over it again. It hasn't.

"Excuse me?"

I turn away from the dough and look to the register. The man in the gray shirt, Bahorel I believe was slightly leaning over the counter, calling out to me.

"Um, yes?"

"Do you mind if I take these to go? My friend and yours got a little... busy."

I knit my eyebrows together in confusion. What? I look past him to see Mimi and the man with black curls full on snogging. Oh my God.

"You'll have to excuse my friend. She likes, and I quote, 'to stay fresh'. Don't ask what that means because even I don't know- nor do I want to know." I say with a scrunched up nose. He chuckles, "my friend just has no self-control." I chuckle this time. A moment of silence follows.

"May I have it?"


"Your desserts."

"Oh, oh, yeah." He stammers before handing me the two plates with untouched desserts on them. Wow, Mimi works fast. As I gently place the croissant into a paper bag, the man speaks again. "Um, what is your name?" "Y/n." I respond, never looking up from my task. "Yours?" "Bahorel." So I was right. I nod, sealing the first bag by folding the top of it. I do the same to other, being even more gentle with its packaging.

"Here you go." I hand him his desserts and send him a smile. He nods a thank you. He turns his head back to the 'couple' and sighs.

"I highly doubt that Grantaire will eat his croissant any time soon. Do you maybe... um, do you maybe want it?"

I look between him and the bagged croissant. Nodding, I reply "I suppose I could take a break. Give me one minute." He smiles and nods his head excitedly. I slightly giggle as I walk back to the dough. Yes! It's finally risen. I cut it into pieces, because I know Mimi always cuts herself, and place it atop a fire to cook. I take off my apron and wipe the imaginary dust off of my light pink dress. I pull the ribbon from my hair and run my hands through it a couple of times. I walk around the counter and stand beside Bahorel.

"Shall we?"

He shuts his hanging jaw and nods, offering me his arm. I instantly take it. As we walk past Mimi and who I've learned to be Grantaire, I toss the key to the bakery into Mimi's lap.

"Deliver the bread to Monsieur Callaghan by 7:30 and lock up the bakery. Don't leave a mess, and be sure to put the chairs up."

She hums a response.

"Or I will get you fired." She immediately pulls away from the kiss and stares at me. I widen my eyes at her and she sighs, "fine." She then goes back to kissing Grantaire. Bahorel and I walk out of the bakery and towards the fountain that was nearby. I was silently praying that Mimi wouldn't burn herself on the fire, be able to tell the time, remember Monsieur Callaghan's address, and turn the key the right way to lock the bakery. I was nervous, but I pushed it aside because I needed to relax, Mimi says so.

"Here is your croissant."


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