enjolras; 'intentional'

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A/N: this is short but oh well. also, this is inspired by harry potter duels

"When in battle, I imagine, and hope that you all are ready for anything that may cross your path."

The boys and you stood outside of the café, more specifically behind the café, where a large piece of cobblestone painted the ground.

"Your reflexes should be strong, and put into immediate use in times of trouble, hence why today I figured it would be good to fence."

The boys and you quickly exchange words of excitement at Enjolras' task for today.

"Any volunteers?" Enjolras asks, holding two fencing swords in his hands. "Who will we be facing?" Courfeyrac asks with a raised eyebrow. "Why me, of course." Enjolras nonchalantly states. This statement results in all of the boys taking a step back from the horizontal line they had created in front of the man in red. However, you don't move. Instead, you raise your hand. Enjolras looks to you, and slightly furrows his eyebrows. "Anybody?" He asks, looking over your high stretched hand. The men violently shake their heads, making Enjolras frown.

"Fine. Y/n."

You smile triumphantly and walk up to Enjolras, snatching the sword from his hand in glee. You and Enjolras stand face to face, each with your swords in your designated hands. "Combeferre, if you please?" Enjolras requests, never breaking eye contact. From the corner of your eye, you see Combeferre stand on a wooden box and cup his hands around his mouth.


You both nod your heads and take your stances. He sends you a small smile,

"don't worry, i'll go easy on you."

You hold in your insult and let on a soft face, "thanks enj." You sink into your back knee more, awaiting the call to begin.


As soon as Combferre says the words, you pounce towards Enjolras, shocking him. He fights back, but not well. You continue to slightly lunge towards him, cowering him into the boys. Grantaire leans into Bahorel's ear, "five francs on Y/n." "You're on." They then turn back to the match, stepping backwards to form a circle around a backward walking Enjolras. His eyebrows furrow, and lips purse in concentration. Silently chuckling to yourself, you remain calm as you teach the blond man a little lesson about equality. With each of his attempted hits, you internally laugh more and more about how easy this was going to be.

He lunges forward again. Predictable. You hit your sword under his hand, and flick it up into the air. He watches it circle down into your direction. You raise your hand into the air and catch his sword with ease. Smirking, you point both swords at Enjolras, whos eyes were wider than the sun. You point the swords at his chest and begin walking towards him. His eyes stick on the tips of swords, making him lose step, and fall backwards. The boys laugh as their leader falls on his butt. He looks up at you with pure fright, his hands that were behind him and holding him up begin to shake. You then gently and coolly touch his chest with both swords.

"Thanks for going easy."

As you pass the swords to Enjolras, who remained on the floor, Bahorel swiftly exchanged five francs with Grantaire. "Thank you." "Shut up." You wipe your hands before making my way back into the café for some water. Enjolras scrambles up and dusts himself off. He looks up to the boys,

"i let her do that."

The boys all try to hide their smiles. Marius crosses his arms and nods his head, vaguely puckering his lips out.

"That was... completely intentional."

Everybody continues to nod their heads, abruptly stopping when seeing you and Eponine laughing at Enjolras' flustered face through the café window.

barricade boys imagines/one shots: volume twoWhere stories live. Discover now