eponine; caught courting

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A/N: i think i already did a chapter like this in the first book, but this one is much more detailed.


My attention from the cold glass of water in front of me is turned to my approaching wonderful girlfriend.

"Bonsoir 'Ponine."

She smiles at me and takes a seat next to me. We share a quick kiss, something we always did when greeting the other. It became a habit, and honestly, I wasn't complaining.

"How many more minutes?"

I pucker my lips to the left and look out the window. "Judging by the sunset I am going to have to assume 10." Eponine brightly smiles and takes a sip of my water. Placing it back, she widely smiles again, "I can't believe Enjolras is finally letting us listen in." I lightly slam my hands on the wooden table in front of me. "Ugh, I know. Thank the Lord we had the will power to yell at him about his sexist, irksome, loon-like behaviour." She happily sighs and leans back into her chair. "Ah, good times." I chuckle and slide my glass over to her, not wanting to drink from it anymore. Another habit of mine. She notices my actions and rolls her eyes.

"Oh, not this again. Y/n we kiss almost all the time. What is the difference?"

"It's different 'Ponine!"

"How is it different?"

Our bickering continues, it wouldn't be the first time. Eponine and I were complete opposites, but I guess it really is true that opposites attract. Eponine was born and raised in the 'real' world, while I was born and raised in a sheltered life of luxury. She likes to jump and run, I like to sit and sleep. We are so different, but at the same time so alike.

"I just don't like sharing cup-"


A stern voice breaks up our minuscule argument. Enjolras. With easily visible angry expressions, we both turn to him. "What?" We both hiss. His eyes slightly widen as he takes a step back. "The meeting will be starting shortly. I'll will see you both up there, yes?" We both nod our heads, only to get a nod in return from the man in red. He then starts for the meeting room. I turn back to Eponine and sigh. "I'm sorry-" "No. I should be a little more considerate of your... weird preferences." I smile at her before pulling her in for a longing embrace. I mutter a small thank you and release from the hug, the hugs that I loved so much. Eponine takes my hand in hers and begins to lead me upstairs to the meeting room. Our hands unbind as we enter. We take a seat near Grantaire, Marius, Courfeyrac, and Bahorel.





The immediate moment we sit, Eponine jumps up. "I forgot your- my water. I'll be right back." Tapping my shoulder as she walks past my chair, she then exits the meeting room. "So, Y/n. Any plans for tonight?" Grantaire asks before taking a large swig of obviously not his first glass of wine. But, yes. Eponine and I are going for a midnight stroll in my large backyard and then we are probably going to snog.


The boys all nod their heads at my response, before Marius speaks up, "well tonight, some of the boys and I hanging back at the café to prank Feuilly. Are you interested?" I giggle and look down at my hands in my lap. "Well as fun as that sounds, I don't really think I am up for it-" "Do you think Eponine will be up for it?"

"No!" I answer instantly. My already perfect posture stiffens more and my heels begin to dig into the floor. The boys all furrow their eyebrows at my sudden outburst. "I mean... no. Maybe not tonight." I say more coolly, mentally facepalming. The boys in front of me nod, and to fill the awkward silence take extremely long sips of the alcohol that was once in front of them. My eyes scatter around the room, now becoming more anxious for my girlfriends return. My prayers have been quickly answered as Eponine soon joins us at the table, placing the glass of water in front of her seat at the table. Before sitting down, she pecks my lips. The boys then all either choke or spit out their drinks at the event.

"Holy crap."

"That was the most alluring thing I have ever seen."


Eponine and I share a look of confusion before quickly realizing what we just revealed. Our eyes widen, not daring to look to the awe-struck boys in front of us.

"Are-are you two courting or something? Or is that what w-women do now when the other enters the room?" Grantaire asks, his jaw still hanging open after his questions. I roll my eyes and turn back to the ridiculous men, Eponine doing the same.

"Yes. Eponine and I are courting," I interlock my hand with hers, and show the 'crowd' our hands. "We have been together for 6 months and were slightly anxious to tell you all, afraid you wouldn't take it well." Eponine finishes. The room is silent. We let the boys process the change of events, Eponine drinking her glass of water, me dusting off my dress.

"I'm okay with it." Jehan says, resulting in a domino effect of everyone's acceptance. Before we can thank the boys for their welcoming response, Jehan pushes Bahorel out of his chair and leans in close to Eponine and I. As Bahorel groans on the floor, Jehan leans on his fists and smiles at us.

"So, how did you two meet?"

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