marius; reminiscing

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A/N: idk if you all like imagines but here is one. i seriously need to know what you guys prefer. anyway enjoy this


- imagine you and marius are strolling through the streets hand in hand super early in the morning. the streets are empty, the sky is still dim, and it is completely silent

- "oh, do you remember when enjolras got really mad at you for thinking about me?"

- "'RED; THE BLOOD OF ANGRY MEN'!" marius mocks. you both chuckle, looking down at the floor. it goes quiet for a minute

- "you know... when we first met I couldn't stop thinking about you either." you say, slightly smiling at the memory

- "oh really?"

- "really. i mean, i didn't even understand why you were painted in my mind!"

- "well at least you didn't get yelled at for it."

- giggling, you slightly hit his arm at his playful eye rolling

- "you know, when we first met you said my name wrong-"

- "oh god. please don't remind me" you interrupt, hiding your face in your free hand

- he chuckles, "i didn't even bother correcting you. i just wanted you to remember that i existed, even if the identification was 'morius pontmercy'. i also didn't want to be remembered as the arse that corrected you"

barricade boys imagines/one shots: volume twoWhere stories live. Discover now