enjolras; tonight

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A/N: this one shot features Tonight from West Side Story. N/n = nickname. i used google translate bc i can't speak french or spanish, so yeah just thought i should tell y'all. enjoyyyyyy

The moon was full. It's white light reflected off of the charcoal pavement beneath Y/n. She leaned on the railing of her balcony, avoiding the vine that grew beside her. She rested her hand on her fist and sighed at the wonderful sight of the clear night sky, more specifically the silence that surrounded her. Her life at the moment was quite hectic, and to get away for even a minute was a prize.

Y/n hated being an aristocrat, but at the same time, she loved it. She hated all the rules she was forced to follow for reputation, but she loved the luxury of getting a new dress in her closet almost everyday. Yes, she could be selfish about her desires, but who wouldn't envy warm, filling meals three times a day, and new, attractive clothing that didn't even have be washed by the one who styled it.

However, her eyes were opened up to the world she lived in by a handsome man named Enjolras. He had introduced her to the side of France she had had nightmares about. He had opened her eyes, and she had opened his heart. The man who was known to be made of marble, and was incapable of loving another had fallen for the aristocrat. And she had fallen for him. They were separated by their different wealth classes, and were frowned upon when seen hand in hand in the streets. The had tried to keep their relationship private, but it was fairly difficult. The pair had decided to only keep their relationship hidden from Y/n's parents, as only God knows what they would do to her if they found out she was dating a man below them.

Y/n's gaze on the moon was broken when she heard her name being called by a familiar voice.


Looking down, she had spotted her beloved, Enjolras waving at her.



"Quiet." She whispers down to him.

"Come down!" He waves her down, voice still loud. His voice echoes off of the large houses that other rich families lived within.

"No." She whispers shaking her head.


"Please," she begs in a whisper, "my mother and father will wake up."

"Just for a minute." He pleads quieter.

She shakes her head at him, "a minute is not enough."

"For an hour then."

"I cannot-"

"Then forever!" He shouts. She shushes him again, placing a finger on her lip. The blond man looks between his beautiful fille (girl) and the vine that grew along side of her large home. "I'm coming up."

"Y/n?" Her father calls from inside the house. Y/n slightly turns her head towards her home, "petit moment papa! (in a minute)" Enjolras is almost at the top of the vine when Y/n tightly grips the railing on her balcony to lean over and speak to him.

"They'll see what you've done."

"Moins dit. (less said/say less)" He whispers to her. "Tais-toi! (shut up)" She whisper yells at him. They shush each other. Enjolras reaches the top of the vine and sits on the railing next to where Y/n is standing. He smiles down at her and leans in to kiss her. She places a finger onto his lips and sternly looks at him.

"It is dangerous. If my parents knew..."

"I won't them know." He says against her finger. "I'm not one of 'them'." He pleads, taking her finger off of his lips and holding it in his large hand.

barricade boys imagines/one shots: volume twoWhere stories live. Discover now