Chapter 12: The Fates

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"Jabami!" Yumeko heard a voice call her name. She spun around to see the one and only Kirari.

"Kirari," Yumeko greeted.

"So, I've been thinking, and I realized we haven't gambled in 5 years," Kirari smirked, "Are you thinking the same thing I am?"

"Momobami Kirari, are you challenging me?" Yumeko asked in faux surprise as she laughed.

"I guess I am," Kirari shrugged although her face told Yumeko that the older girl was amused.

"Are we making it a public match?" Yumeko asked.

"Why don't we make it personal, for old time's sake," Kirari said.

"No way," Mary piped up from beside Yumeko. She had only returned to school the previous day, and she was still recovering from her injuries.

"Oh come on, Mary. It'll be fun," Yumeko begged with a smile.

"Yes, Mary. It'll be fun," Kirari agreed with Yumeko as she gave a similar smile.

"You too really do act like siblings sometimes," Mary rolled her eyes, "I'm surprised I never noticed it until now."

"Ew, I don't act like her," they said at the same time before laughing hysterically.

"I guess it would be entertaining to watch," Mary agreed.

"You're not going to bet anything too crazy, right?" Ryota asked anxiously.

"We're all about high stakes," Yumeko said, "Do you really think we'd go easy on each other?"

"Oh yeah, remember that time you bet your life against Ririka?" Kirari asked nostalgically.

"What?" Mary, Ryota, and Itsuki asked at the same time.

"I thought Ririka didn't gamble?" Mary asked.

"She never gambled again after that," Kirari explained, "I think Yumeko scared her a bit."

"Well, we were 10. I think I'd be pretty scared too," Yumeko joked.

"You are a strange bunch," Itsuki said as she crossed her arms.

"So, we're on?" Kirari asked.

"Deal," Yumeko said.

"I'll fetch Sayaka. She can deal," Kirari said.

"No fair, Sayaka is biased," Mary jumped in.

"You never were one for fun, were you Mary?" Kirari asked rhetorically as she smiled, "Fine then, I'll go find Runa. She's about as neutral as they come."

Everyone nodded in agreement as Kirari ran off to find Runa. Their classes for the day were over, so no one had anywhere to be. When she finally returned to the room with Runa and Sayaka -no surprise there-, the two sat at a small table across from each other in a room Yumeko had never seen before.

"I won't be going easy on you like I did when we were kids," Kirari teased.

"Easy?" Yumeko laughed, "If anyone went easy, it was me."

"Naturally, we'll be risking everything," Kirari asked more than said, making sure she and Yumeko were on the same page.

"Of course," Yumeko agreed, "It wouldn't be any fun if we didnt."

"Those two are crazy," Mary whispered to no one in particular.

"Thank you for agreeing," Kirari said politely.

"Thank you for the invite," Yumeko said, just as politely.

"Then, let's get this show on the road, shall we?" Kirari smiled.

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