Chapter 6: I Did Something

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For the first time ever, Yumeko woke up in her dorm room. She had stayed up late the previous night to unpack. She got out of bed and walked to the bathroom to brush her teeth and hair before she collected her school items and walked to the cafeteria. Hyakkaou always served breakfast for the people in the dorms.

She quickly ate her breakfast, eggs and bacon, before rushing to her homeroom class. This is also when she noticed that Mary was in class with her. She was also surprised when she saw Kirari walk in a few moments later and stop right in front of her desk.

"I know you won money at the debt settlement party, why haven't you paid off your debts? Not to mention, you must have millions saved up," Kirari scolded.

"One, you should know by now that your family controls my finances since they're in charge of Atari," Yumeko reminded her, maybe with a little too much bite, "and two, I don't mind being a house pet."

Kirari made a few frustrated noises before she pointed an accusatory finger at Yumeko and said, "You- you make no sense."

Yumeko just shrugged, and she jumped when she noticed Mary was standing next to her, tapping her foot impatiently as if she too were going to scold Yumeko. "Just use the money we won to pay off your debt. I already paid mine, so you can have the rest," Mary told her.

"You can keep the money," Yumeko shrugged, "I'd feel bad taking it knowing I have lots saved up."

"Yeah, saved up where you can't use it," Kirari jumped in.

"There's over 200 million left, I wouldn't even know what the hell to do with that much money!" Mary told her in a whisper yell.

"Damn, you guys kicked ass," Kirari jumped in, "seemed you're both as good as I remember."

Both girls blushed from the praise before getting themselves together. "Plus, if I stay a house pet, I can gamble with more student council members," Yumeko smirked.

"I knew you had an ulterior motive," Kirari sighed as she rana hand over her face in annoyance and frustration. She really should've guessed that.

"That last time you did that, you went $310 million in debt!" Mary reminded her.

"That's the fun of it," Yumeko smiled.

"I will never understand you," Kirari and Mary said at the same time.

"What, high stakes are what make the game fun," Yumeko pointed out.

"It makes the game stressful," Mary corrected.

"Don't tell me you didn't have fun at the debt settlement party," Yumeko smirked.

Internally, Mary was screaming that she had fun because she got to play with Yumeko. She hated that she had fun because of her sworn enemy, but it was true. "Okay, maybe you have a point," she said instead.

"Now, I just wait to find someone to challenge," Yumeko said as she leaned back in her chair.

As more people filed into class, they all started staring at Kirari and Yumeko. Everyone knew they were bamis, and the fact that they were both in the same school and talking with each other was mind blowing.

Most people knew of the decade, maybe even century, long rivalry between the Jabamis and Momobamis, so many were surprised to see the two girls having a seemingly friendly conversation. Of course, everyone began whispering, but Yumeko, Mary, and Kirari just kept talking amongst themselves.

"It seems we've broken the students of Hyakkaou," Kirari whispered to Yumeko.

"It must be surprising to see a Jabami and Momobami interacting without knives or guns getting involved," Mary laughed.

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