Chapter 16: I Think-

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"Force me, huh?" Mary asked as she grasped Ririka's wrist, causing her to open her hand to reveal the vote chip. She tried to remain calm, she really did. She knew that if she wanted Ririka's help with the votes she had to offer, she'd need to remain calm. If she didn't she might just strangle the girl here and now.

"Honestly, Mary, I didn't have anything to do with this," Ririka said in a pleading tone, "When I said I was going to force you, I was just gonna threaten you, but I'd never bring Yumeko into this."

Mary nodded though she wasn't fully convinced. She suspected that Ririka wouldn't bring Yumeko into this, especially after hearing about how close the two had been when they were younger. She wasn't sure if she believed that Ririka would've only threatened her. She was pretty sure Ririka would've gone farther than that, but now wasn't the time to think about that.

After a few more twists and turns, they made it to the room Mary remembered Yumeko telling her the gamble would take place. When she entered, her eyes immediately found an unconscious Yumeko panting on a nearby bench. Her face was also scrunched up, as if she were having a bad dream.

More than anything, Mary found herself wanting to wrap Yumeko in a comforting hug and tell her everything would be alright, but she was sure that was something Yumeko wouldn't want. The girl had been adamant about not having feelings for Mary and no matter how much it hurt her, Mary would accept it.

"It's poison," Runa confirmed out of nowhere. Mary and Ryota gasped in surprise. If it was poison, that lowered her chances of being able to save Yumeko, especially if this took a long time.

"Isn't it obvious they did something?" Mary exclaimed, absolutely enraged. Even Ryota was surprised by the outburst.

"There's no concrete proof," Runa told her, "so there's nothing I can do about it. After all, I'm completely neutral."

"Surely the fact that their families own drug-related businesses is enough proof!" Mary exclaimed, desperate for some sort of way around gambling for a way to save Yumeko.

"There's nothing else to suggest that they were involved," Runa said, "and if they were, anything that happened happened outside of the room before the gamble, and that;s none of my business."

"Just call an ambulance!" Ryota exclaimed in a panicked tone.

"That won't be much help. The hardest part of stopping a poison is deciphering which one it is. By the time they figured it out, it'd be too late." Miyo commented.

"Don't you know they-" Mary exclaimed at Runa before calming down, "No, we're wasting time. Let's just get through this."

"See, she's smart," Miyo smirked, earning a scowl from Mary.

"Who's got the votes?" Miyo asked.

"Me," Mary practically snarled, and Ryota was again thrown off by the hostility in Mary's tone.

"Can't say I'm surprised," Miyo said honestly, "You were called the juggernaut once upon a time weren't you?"

"Yeah," Mary said dryly.

"Wasn't it Yumeko who defeated you?" Miri jumped in.

"Yes," Mary said through clenched teeth, not sure why they were bringing this topic up.

"Makes me wonder why you wouldn't just want her to die?" Miyo thought out loud.

Mary scrunched her face in disdain. It was still strange for her to think she was attracted to a girl, but she tried not to let it get to her. "Let's just gamble," Mary hissed.

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