Chapter 31: Love is A Gamble

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This chapter is honestly really short, and on top of that, I come bearing what is probably bad news. This is going to be the end of this story. This chapter honestly felt so rushed, but I've been struggling with what to write here for a long time. This felt like a nice place to end, so this is going to be it. This story has been so much fun to write, and it's been great watching how these girls slowly fall out of love with gambling ( kind of ) and fall more and more in love with each other. Trust me, it's been even more amazing to write. Unfortunately, I can't say this story is my best work, but it's still one I'm proud of and invested a lot of time in. I'm sorry there was no warning for this ending any time soon, but I honestly didn't expect it either.

P.S. I'm going to be uploading more on AO3 than here from now on, so if you'd like to read more stuff by me, check that out! The link is in my bio. Anyway, I'm going to be posting a Nobamaki story there sometime soon now that this is over, so keep an eye out for that. Love you all, and thank you for sticking with me through this process. I wish you all the best! Enjoy <3


A few weeks passed since Mary and Ririka's gamble, and it was finally summer break. The first thing Mary did when classes were over was kiss Yumeko... in front of the whole school.

It was ballsy, but it was the end of the year. On top of that, Mary had been told that since she managed to keep second place, only second to Kirari, she would be student council president next school year. Mary would be in charge of the whole school, so she didn't worry too much about what anyone would say about her and Yumeko. Yumeko didn't seem to mind either; she was probably happy she no longer had to hide.

To their surprise, a lot of the school was happy for them. A lot of the guys made sexual comments, but they were easily ignored. Those that couldn't be ignored were quickly dealt with by Mary who almost the whole school was afraid of by the end of the year.

When they made it home, Mary shared the news with her mother, and they had told Atari on the walk home. Mary's mother was beyond proud of her, and she was thrilled that Mary managed to beat almost everyone.

The best part of the way things worked out? Kirari got to keep her place as head of the clan, so now she could insure Yumeko's safety outside of the school. Now that she graduated high school, Kirari would go to university and fully take on the role of head of the clan which meant that no one, not even her parents, could oppose her.

By now, it was 2 weeks into summer break, and Mary was already aware of the changes Kirari had made. For one, she came out to her parents, and with agreement from the other girl, she introduced Sayaka to them. To her surprise, they were rather accepting of Sayaka. They hated that she was a woman, and they didn't like that she wasn't a gambler. However, they saw how happy their daughter was, and she knew Sayaka was smart.

They were enraged, of course, but Mary had expected much worse from Kirari's parents. In the end, Kirari had to agree to give Sayaka lessons on gambling. They decided that if Sayaka could prove herself 'worthy of the Momobami name', she would be allowed to be with Kirari for however long she wished.

Sayaka easily accepted this offer. She had been prepared to have things thrown or to have to rush out of the house as fast as possible, so this was huge. Kirari had had a conversation with her parents separately about how her parents still wanted an heir, and Kirari said that if they were completely against Ririka doing it, which they were, then she'd be willing to carry a child so long as Sayaka agreed. Since she was now head of the clan, her parents could defy her, so they accepted her terms after that.

Another thing Kirari had started was allowing her sister to be free. Most people at the school and in the family knew about Ririka from their childhood or switching places with Kirari, but to most people she was "Kirari's double" and not "Ririka". As of now, under Kirari's rule, she would be allowed to be her own person.

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