Chapter 17: I Feel Something

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I'm feeling really inspired today, so y'all might get lucky with two updates today :3 Also, for context, I'm not sure what Mary's parent's names are, so in this fic her father is going to be "Sam" and her mother is "Amaya."


Even though classes had been over for a while, Mary decided to return to the Academy, more specifically, the infirmary. She was hopeful that Yumeko would be awake by now. That, and she was pretty sure the nurse must be tired of seeing Yumeko since it was the second time in one day.

When Mary entered the room, she saw that Yumeko was still unconscious, but she seemed to be in much better condition. "She's only sleeping," a voice sounded behind her, making her jump.

"Oh, hello," Mary said once she calmed down.

"Hi, are you her friend?" the nurse asked.

"Mhm," Mary hummed, feeling a tinge in her heart at the word "friend."

"I'm guessing you know where she lives then?" they continued to ask.

Mary thought about it for a moment. She had only been to Yumeko's dorm once, but she was pretty sure she could get back there again if she wanted to. "Yes," Mary answered.

"Great, then do you think you could take her to her room? The infirmary needs to be empty before I can go home," the nurse told her with an apologetic smile.

"Sure," Mary smiled as she looked at Yumeko. She tried to gently shake the girl, but she didn't wake up. "You're sure she's not unconscious?" Mary asked with a slight laugh.

"She's probably just tired. That poison took a lot out of her," the nurse answered as she packed up her things.

Mary sighed heavily before mumbling to Yumeko, not that she could hear, "You owe me big time for this." She then lifted Yumeko and began carrying her bridal style. The girl was actually pretty heavy, to Mary's surprise, but she'd never tell that to Yumeko.

Once she found what she was sure was Yumeko's dorm, she managed to find the key in the girl's pocket which was no easy feat. She had almost dropped Yumeko about 3 times in the process, but it's not like she'd ever find out.

When she unlocked the door, she quietly opened it, and she was surprised to find that the room barely had anything in it. It had been the same as it was last time. Mary expected that Yumeko would've finished unpacking by now, and she'd have more items around her room. Apparently, that assumption was wrong.

"Your style's lacking," Mary mumbled as she walked to Yumeko's room and put the girl down in her bed. She watched Yumeko move around a bit, getting comfortable before she settled down. Mary smiled to herself as she lifted the covers up and pulled them over Yumeko.

She looked at the other girl for a moment longer before closing the door to Yumeko's room and then to her dorm, making sure to lock the door. She'd just give the key back to Yumeko tomorrow.

She easily maneuvered the halls since the school was now empty, and the walk back to Yumeko's mansion was quiet. When she made it back to the mansion, she opened the door and saw her mom was cooking, something Mary had never really seen her mom do.

"Hey Mom," Mary greeted as she entered the house.

"Mary!" her mother exclaimed excitedly.

"You seem extra cheery," Mary commented as she took her shoes off and walked to the kitchen.

"I'm just happy," her mother smiled.

"I've never seen you like this before," Mary observed while gesturing to her mother.

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