Chapter 27: The Route Not Taken

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Yumeko followed Kirari and Sayaka to the location of the Tower of Doors. She couldn't stop thinking about her confession to Mary. She knew it was wrong for her to spring her feelings on Mary without letting her do the same, but she needed to say it. She needed Mary to know, even the blonde hated her for it forever.

It didn't take long for the three to reach the tower. Upon reaching its doors, Kirari used a keycard to enter. She swiped it against a scanner that beeped before opening the doors, revealing a large room with random pillars big enough to fit a human or two inside.

"Wow," Yumeko said in awe, "So, it was specifically built for this game? There's isn't a scrap of practicality in building something like this otherwise."

"I know, I'm pretty pleased with it myself," Kirari answered as she led them through the various floors of the tower.

"Now, we will go to the fifth and final floor," Kirari informed them, "There are two ways to ascend the tower. One way between the floors is by using those ladders, and the other method is here."

Kirari placed her keycard against another scanner, and one of the pillars opened to reveal a spiral staircase that seemed to lead all the way to the top floor. Yumeko noticed that the pillar had no doors until the very top of it, so she imagined that through the central staircase, you can only reach the top and bottom floors.

It took a while for them to reach the fifth floor, but they eventually made it. "This is the top of the tower and the starting point of the game," Kirari announced as she made her way onto the floor, "The rules to the Tower of Doors is simple; from the fifth floor, descend to the first floor and then climb back up to the top. The first to arrive, with a lily from the first floor as proof, is the winner."

"Each of you will have a chance to access a door in intervals of 5 minutes. How do you open the door, you ask? Simple, there will be a problem for you to solve on the door. Answering it correctly will cause it to open."

"The doors on the walls lead to the outside, right?" Yumeko asked as she realized there were doors on the walls as well as hatches on the floor.

"Yep, that's right," Kirari confirmed.

"And the hatches must lead to the lower floors via ladders," Yumeko deduced.

"Right again," Kirari told her, "That said, the ladders here, unlike the central stairway, don't lead directly down to the bottom floor. I believe that is it for the rules. Any questions?"


"Actually, one more thing," Kirari said as she put a finger up. She walked towards one of the doors, unlocking it with her keycard. The door moved open, revealing the flower-coated ground 5 stories down, "If either of you don't think you can hold up your side of the bet, you can jump from the tower to your demise. However, if you answer correctly, you live."

"Understood?" Kirari asked when the two were quiet. Both nodded.

Yumeko was aware, almost immediately, that she was at a disadvantage. She remembered being told that Sayaka was a genius. Meanwhile, Yumeko was barely passing all her classes. Still, she had agreed to this gamble, and she wouldn't back down, even if it cost her her life.

If she was going to die, you're damn right she was gonna go out having fun.

"Before we begin," Kirari said with a slight smirk, "I'd like to give you both a little hint. Inside the tower, you'll find the answer that is correct is not always the solution. Only she who can truly understand the meaning of the correct answer can hope to reach the proper solution."

"Now, without further adieu, let the game begin," as the words left her mouth, Kirari snapped, and the lights in the room turned on. There was a loud noise as all the doors received numbers, some even with letters.

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