Chapter 26: The Longest Route

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Hey everyone! Sorry it took me so long to update! I've been busy with school, my other story, and some new ideas I have for other stories. I've been doing a lot of thinking about where I want this story to go after I finish the election arc or if I'll even have anything after the election arc. I think I'm going to use some of the gambles from the manga before deciding the outcome of the election.

Good news! I've found someone to write smut for this story, so look forward to seeing that in the near future! On top of that, in honor of it being Mary's (and my own) birthday, I've made two updates! I'm not sure if the second chapter will be out today or tomorrow, but I'm gonna do my best not to leave everyone on a major cliff hanger!

Thank you for being patient. Enjoy!


The next day at school, Mary, Yumeko, and Ryota all met with other people in the election to announce the top 10 people in the running for president. The three of them were all in the top ten amongst other people who were with them there.

"I can't believe I'm in second," Mary mumbled as she pointed to a list of everyone in order.

"I can't believe I'm even here," Ryota said, pointing to his name tied with Yumeko's for sixth.

"Oh, Mary, you're close to catching up with Kirari!" Yumeko said gleefully.

"Not sure how that happened," Mary admitted as she rubbed the back of her neck shyly.

"Come on, people. Get in order!" someone yelled from behind a camera.

Everyone sat on a chair, in order from first to last. Kirari, surprisingly, smiled at Mary when she sat beside her. "I never thought I'd see you sitting there," Kirari admitted, but she sounded more proud than disapproving.

"Me neither," Mary admitted quietly as she looked at everyone else in the room. It didn't take long for her to realize that everyone aside from her, Ryota, and Kaede were Bamis. It shouldn't have been surprising, really; the family are the most elite gamblers in the word. The odds of some random high school kids beating them were slim to none, even if they were matched in age.

The person behind the camera counted down with their fingers from 3 to 1 before putting a thumbs up, signalling that the camera was on. It took all of half a second for Runa's bubbly figure to jump in front of the camera, smiling like a kid.

"Hello students of Hyakkaou Academy!" Runa greeted, "Welcome to the first update on the Student Council election for the next President!"

Runa went over the rules of the election, introducing herself as well. She reminded everyone that the Momobami clan throne was on the line as well. "Now, without further adieu, the leader board!"

"In tenth place, we have Manyuda Kaede with 3 votes. Currently recovering from a devastating loss, I don't think anyone expected him to place on the leaderboard, but here he is! Will the underdog persevere?" Runa said, hyping him up and informing students of his current situation.

"In ninth, Komabami Nozomi with 13 votes! A member of the Momobami clan, is anyone really surprised that she's on the leaderboard? It seems she hasn't made any moves so far, but she's still made her way into the top ten! What can we expect from her in the future?" As soon as Runa finished, the girl's dog barked, causing the camera crew to laugh a little.

"In eighth, Mushibami Erimi with 20 votes! Yet another member of the clan, there's a lot on the line for her! Recovering from a loss in her first game, it's a surprise she's made it back on the leaderboard. Her resolve must be unquestionable!" Runa cheered.

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