Chapter 13: Uneasy

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"Here it is," Yumeko said as she approached the door to her house with a box in hand.

"It's huge," Mary muttered.

Yumeko turned her key in the lock before pushing the door open and handing the key to Mary's mom. Both blonde's entered the house behind Yumeko as she walked to the kitchen and placed the box she had on the island of the kitchen.

"You lived here by yourself for how long?" Mary's mom asked as she also placed a box on the kitchen island. .

"Only since I started going to the school," Yumeko answered, "It wasn't as bad as you might think."

"Seems pretty lonely," Mary commented as she continued to look around the main level.

"You have free roam of the house except my room, my sister's room, and my parents room. I'll show you which ones they are," Yumeko informed them as she smoothed out her clothes.

"Thank you, again, for the hospitality," Mary's mother said as she smiled at Yumeko.

"Don't worry about it," Yumeko smiled back, "Anyone would've done the same." Mary's mother just shrugged as she dropped the subject.

"Hey... Yumeko?" Mary asked from the nearby living room.

"Yes?" Yumeko answered.

"Why's there blood on your couch?" Mary asked, concerned.

"Oh, uh, it's nothing. I can buy a new one," Yumeko stuttered.

"I've never heard you stutter before," Mary said as she looked at Yumeko curiously.

"I usually don't," she said as she ran her hand over the blood stains on the couch. Mary thought it was weird, but she didn't say anything.

"I supposed as long as you're not a murderer, it's none of my business," Mary shrugged.

"It's my parents'," she whispered, seemingly embarrassed.

"Eugh?" Mary exclaimed as she jumped away from the couch.

"Hopefully you don't think I'm weird for that," Yumeko laughed uncomfortably, "I'm not really sure why I never got rid of it. I guess it makes me think about the old times."

"I guess that makes sense," Mary shrugged, though she was still in shock from the revelation.

After the initial shock wore off, Yumeko led the pair through the mansion, showing them around. She made sure to point out her room and the other rooms that were off limits before showing the rest.

"All in all, the place is gorgeous," Mary's mother, "It's a shame such a tragic thing happened."

"Yeah," Yumeko agreed rather coldly. The other girls in the room picked up on her tone, but they didn't comment on it.

As they made it back to the kitchen, Yumeko walked to a nearby door and locked it. She had refused to go down there for a long time, and she didn't plan on going down anytime soon.

"What's down there?" Mary asked from behind Yumeko, causing the raven-haired girl to jump.


"Make your bets," her father demanded.

"I'll bet my favorite toy," Yumeko offered.

"Think bigger than that," her father scolded her as he flicked her head. The gesture had been perceived to be playfully, but she wasn't sure if that was his intention.

"I- uh, I'll bet my arm," Atari offered.

"Your arm?" a 6 year old Yumeko exclaimed.

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