Chapter 21: Gamble Freaks

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Sorry I didn't update sooner! I was at a friends house and away from my laptop. Anyway, I'm glad to be back. I should warn everyone, updates on this story might slow down since I'm working on a new story right now. I've been putting up and taking down a lot of stories as those who follow me might've noticed. Anyway, I'm trying to figure out what stories to continue and new stories to start. This one will be continuing! I'm really loving how it's going so far :) Enjoy!


Yumeko awoke in her old room that morning after spending the previous day unpacking. She had finally retrieved her things from her dorm and sold it back to the school. She rolled out of her bed and tripped over some of the boxes before she began putting on her uniform for school.

"Yumeko?" she heard a voice ask, accompanied by a knock.

"I'm up!" she told them as she began pulling on the top half of her uniform.

"Amaya is making pancakes, so you better be down soon," they told her. She now knew it was her sister, and she laughed a little as she realized this would be a normal thing. She was happy that her sister was waking her up for school. It brought back fond memories from her childhood that she thought she'd buried too deep to ever see again.

When she finally had her uniform on, she walked to the bathroom and knocked on the door. "Hmm?" she heard a voice hum from inside.

"Oh, hi Mary. Can I come in?" Yumeko asked cheerfully from outside.

"Sure," Mary said as she unlocked the door for Yumeko to enter, "I'm just brushing my hair."

When Yumeko entered, she saw that Mary's hair was still down, and she smiled to herself. She wasn't sure why Mary didn't wear her hair down more; it looked nice either way. It just seemed like a hassle to put it up all the time.

"Why do you always put your hair up?" Yumeko asked as she collected an old brush of hers and started brushing her hair.

"Why do you always leave yours down?" Mary asked as if that answered Yumeko's question.

"No hairstyles suit me," Yumeko shrugged as she looked at Mary as if telling her "your turn."

"I just like my hair up," Mary shrugged as she tied it with a ribbon.

"Fair enough," Yumeko shrugged as she put her brush back. "Have fun with that," she teased as she saw Mary struggling.

"Can you tie it for me?" Mary asked before Yumeko could leave, "It's hard since I can't see it."

"I guess," Yumeko sighed as if it was a struggle for her, but she smiled to assure Mary that she didn't really mind. If anything, it was an excuse to touch Mary's hair again.

"There," Yumeko smiled when she finally tied them.

"Thanks," Mary smiled as she kissed Yumeko's cheek, making the other girl smile a little. "Let's go eat! I'm hungry!" Mary exclaimed as she rushed out of the bathroom, Yumeko slowly trailing behind her.

"Morning girls," Mary's mother greeted them as she put plates on the table. Atari was seated already and eating her food as if she was at a fancy restaurant.

"Morning, Mom," Mary greeted as she sat, patting the seat next to her for Yumeko to sit down.

The four ate breakfast as they talked about nothing in particular. There were a lot of questions about the election at school, but neither girl had been really invested in it as they were in their honeymoon stage of dating.

"Oh, so Yumeko actually stopped gambling for more than a few hours?" Atari teased as she raised her eyebrows at her younger sister, "What a surprise."

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