Chapter 14: Election

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"I want to hold an election," Kirari announced to the rest of the student council.

"Are you insane?"

"You're going to give up your seat that easily?"

"Sounds exciting!"

"But president, you've secured your seat. Why give it up?"

"You want to question my decisions?" Kirari asked firmly, shutting up the rest of the student council, "that's what I thought. Now let me explain."

The rest of the council nodded as they awaited an explanation. "With Jabami Yumeko here, the workings of this school have been thrown into complete chaos. Not to mention, she's completely humiliated the student council by beating certain members, some even while as a house pet" she explained, "However, chaos can be fun when handled correctly. What's the best way to handle chaos, you ask? You create more of it. What better chaos than electing a new student council president?"

"What kind of explanation is that."

"I simply will not accept this."

"Great minds think alike."

"President, all due respect, this is insane!"

"Silence," Kirari said, causing everyone to be quiet, "The decision has been made. People will bet for the seat. Everyone will have an opportunity. It will be a free-for-all." Kirari smirked evilly as she realized the potential this election had.

"Okay, since we can't change your mind," Runa said, "How will this election work?"

"I'm glad you ask," Kirari smiled, "Everyone will start with a single betting chip. Then, they'll bet with other's to gain more chips, also known as votes. Some people will be appointed to watch over matches and decide whether they count or not. Whoever has the most votes at the end will be president."

Everyone slowly nodded along. Most of them were in the student council because they wanted the opportunity to be student council president, and this would be the perfect opportunity. "However, this is a little more chaos I'm adding to the pot," Kirari smirked. As she was about to explain, someone entered the room.

"We're in the middle of a meeting, you can't be he-" Sayaka began.

"Don't worry, Sayaka," Kirari smiled, "I invited her."

"I've brought the people you requested," she said as she bowed.

"Great, let them in," Kirari smiled. As the knew people walked in, the former girl announced them. Everyone in the student council picked up on one thing and one thing only. Everyone's names ended in "bami".

"And I am Rei Batsubami," the girl introduced herself. She had short hair, and one might assume she was a boy had Kirari not specified her gender, "I'm only here to watch over them, though. I won't be betting."

Everyone in the student council nodded as they looked at the members of the Momobami clan that had entered. "What are we here for?" one of them asked.

"I'll inform you soon, we're just waiting on one more member," Kirari smiled evilly.

A few minutes later, Yumeko arrived. When she saw who filled the room, she almost turned on her heel and ran. Hell, she had tried, but Rei had blocked her way. Rei paused when she saw Yumeko, thinking she looked oddly familiar, but she still blocked the girl from leaving.

"Nice of you to join us, Jabami," Kirari greeted as Yumeko hesitantly entered the room.

"Isn't Atari older than that?"

"I thought she went crazy?"

The clan started muttering amongst themselves. "Silence," Kirari demanded, and everyone went silent, "This is Jabami Yumeko, the technical head of the Jabami family."

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