Chapter 19: Dinner and Delicacies

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I am really spoiling you all these days wow. What is this, like 4 chapters in 24 hours? Y'all better love me LOL


"Hey, Mom," Mary greeted as she ran down the stairs, Yumeko following more calmly behind her.

"Mary," her mother greeted as Mary sat at the table, pulling Yumeko into the seat next to her which her mother didn't miss, "how was school today?"

Yumeko and Mary shared a knowing look before Mary blushed despite her best efforts. After all, even if it ended well, the encounter they shared was embarrassing for Mary, and she didn't handle embarrassment well.

"I know that face," her mother said with eyes narrowed in curiosity, "Spill."

"Well- I... uh-" Mary stumbled over her words.

"We're together," Yumeko said for her as she lifted their conjoined hands in the air for Mary's mother to say. Mary just took her hand back and buried her head in her hands. Yumeko laughed as she patted Mary's head as an apology.

"Well, I can't say I'm surprised," Mary's mother laughed a little, "You weren't very good at hiding your interest in each other." Amaya then started putting food on her plate, signalling for the girls to do the same. "Mary's just dense," her mother teased.

"I'm dense?" Mary exclaimed in disbelief.

"Quite," Yumeko agreed.

"Hey! You're supposed to be on my side!" Mary complained as she crossed her arms.

"You let Ryota figure out Yumeko's feelings for you before you figured them out," Mary's mom reminded her.

"Stop it," Mary said as she buried her head in her hands and shook her head back and forth.

"Hm," Mary's mother hummed for a moment, "What is it you kids say these days? Ship? Yeah, that's it! I ship it!"

"Oh my goodness," Mary said as she rolled her eyes, "You're literally the most embarrassing person on the planet. Never say 'ship' again either."

They spent the rest of the meal eating in relative silence. Amaya would occasionally bring up Mary and Yumeko's relationship, but she mostly asked about the confession which they both silently agreed not to tell her about.

While Yumeko and Mary were cleaning up, Mary's mother received a call. "Oh, really?" the woman spoke into the phone happily, "Yes, of course. I'll be there soon!" She then hung up the phone and began putting her shoes and coat on.

"Where are you going?" Mary asked her mother.

"Atari was discharged," she smiled, "I'll go get her while you guys clean up."

Yumeko thought about it for a moment, but in the end, she decided to let Mary's mom get her sister on her own. She wanted to see her sister, but she was sure any conversation they had would be awkward. On top of that, she wanted to give her sister and Mary's mom some time to chat since they seemed to have a history.

"You don't want to go with?" Mary asked as she elbowed Yumeko to get her attention.

"I'll see her when she gets here," Yumeko shrugged as she dried a dish and put it away, finishing the clean up.

"Want to wait for them upstairs, then?" Mary asked. Yumeko smiled and nodded. She found it funny how just being in Mary's presence made her feel better.

When they made it to Mary's room, Yumeko looked around again. She wasn't sure why, but she felt the need to commit the room to memory. "Are you okay?" Mary asked after a few moments as she sat on her bed, "This all must be a lot for you."

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