Chapter 5: To Bite You in The Ass

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"Alright, let's do it!" June said enthusiastically as they entered the room they'd be gambling in.

"Where's your tag?" Mary asked him, referring to the house pet necklace the rest of them were wearing due to their debt.

"My tag? Didn't you hear? We can use this to settle personal debts, and I happen to owe a friend of mine some cash," he announced while waving his plate in the air.

"You do realize you could go into debt over this," Yumeko pointed out.

"As if! You think I'm gonna lose to a bunch of house pets? Pathetic," her chuckled arrogantly. Yumeko did nothing, but she heard Mary quietly scoff from beside her which made her chuckle.

"Turn one," the deal announced as she dealt the cards.

Yumiko glanced at the car in her possession and noted that it was an 8 of hearts. She then took her second card and placed it on her forehead. She glanced around the room, letting everyone see her other card before she eventually looked at Mary.

"Here's the plan. When you look in my direction with your card on your head, I'll tell you what it is under the table," Mary said.

"Okay, but how?" Yumeko asked.

"I'll draw the suit and then the number on your hand," Mary told her.

Yumeko thought about it for a moment. She wasn't a huge fan of cheating, but had to admit that it would make this game a lot more fun. She did live for fun after all. "And I'll do the same for you?" Yumeko confirmed.

"Yep," Mary nodded.

"I'm in," Yumeko agreed.

Yumeko felt Mary grab her hand, and she resisted the urge to shiver at the sensation. She then felt the girl writing what her card was on her hand. Yumeko had already noted that Mary's card was the 8 of clubs, so she'd be able to tell her even when they weren't facing each other.

Yumeko turned away, not wanting to seem suspicious, and she took note of the card Mary had written on her palm. According to the blonde, her other card was a 7 of clubs. Yumeko then took Mary's hand in her own and wrote of 8 of clubs before moving her hands away from the blonde's.

"You may now place your bets," the dealer told them, "June may start."

"Alright!" he exclaimed excitedly, "No point in folding on the first round. I bet one June chip." June put one chip of his color, black, on the center of the table.

"I call with one Nanami chip," Nanami, the other girl in their group, said as she placed a chip of her color, blue, to the center of the table.

"Call, one Yumeko chip," Yumeko said happily as she placed a chip of her color, red, in the center.

"What are you doing?" Mary exclaimed while pointing a finger at her, "Do you know how much each one of your chips is worth?"

"You can't expect to be in the game if you don't play at the start," Yumeko remarked evenly, "And besides, I'm gonna have to chip in eventually aren't I?"

"Maybe, but that doesn't mean you should-" Mary stopped herself.

"Going big. I like it," June chuckled his way through the sentence.

"I fold," Mary said confidently.

"Calls are complete. You may all now show your hands," the dealer announced.

"A 7 and 8 pig," Yumeko said evenly.

"A 3 and a 6 pig," Nanami said, sounding a little upset.

"Then it looks like my 3 and 9 suit wins," June said condescendingly.

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