Chapter 22: Sisterly Scuffle

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I want you all to know how dedicated I am to this story. Halfway through writing this, I burnt both my hands like the idiot I am (I'm fine. It just... well... burns) and I continued writing. If there's typos or if this is shit... I blame my hands LMAO. Hope you all enjoy since I put my blood, sweat, and tears (literally) into this chapter.  I've also had a really bad cold these past few days, so I'm basically running on fumes AHAHAH. Anyway, I hope this isn't total shit O_O

The google doc I'm writing this on just hit 200 pages with this chapter! Wooohoooo......................... I need to get a life.

Fun fact: Atari's name wasn't chosen at random; it actually has meaning. It's unclear what it's true meaning is, but it seems to translate to "to be right" and/or "to conquer" which seemed fitting given her character and story line. Enjoy :)


"Yumeko!" Yumemi announced excitedly as she saw Yumeko enter the room. She had gone through the back door since she'd be on the stage while Mary went through the front doors to sit with Ryota, Itsuki, and the rest of the audience.

"Yumemi," Yumeko greeted just as excitedly.

"Are you ready?" Yumemi asked as she showed Yumeko an outfit.

"I still have to wear that?" Yumeko asked, a bit hesitant.

"Yep," Yumemi said with a smile, "Half the people out there are here for our show"

"Oh lord," Yumeko muttered under her breath as she took the outfit from Yumemi and got into a small changing stall behind the stage.

When she finished changing, she and Yumemi walked onto the stage, being introduced by the announcer hidden somewhere in the auditorium. Yumeko's eyes met Mary's in the crowd, and she looked like she was about to burst into a fit of laughter at any second. Yumeko slightly scowled at her before smiling and performing.

Once she finished, she and Yumemi high-fived and the audience cheered. The announcer said they'd be taking a break so the two could change, and they walked back behind stage.

After they changed, they went back on stage where Atari was waiting for them. "Little sister," Atari greeted with a cold voice that had been ingrained in her since childhood.

"Big sister," Yumeko greeted similarly with a smile.

Yumemi said nothing as she sat down. Yumeko was across from Atari while Yumemi sat between them to Yumeko's left, allowing the audience to see all of them and the table. "What shall we play?" Yumemi asked.

"Hmmm," Atari hummed, "Why not Daddy's Game."

"Uh, what's that?" Yumemi asked as Yumeko tried to mask the surprise on her face.

"Russian Roulette," Yumeko clarified, "With your limbs."

"Huh?" Yumemi asked, practically jumping out of her seat as the audience mumbled.

"Let's explain how to play before you panic," Atari said with a smile, "Every player bets a limb or something that can be broken or taken. For example, I could bet an arm. We take turns shooting a gun at the limb we bet until a bullet is fired. Like normal roulette, there's one bullet in the barrel."

"We play until there's on person left. You're allowed to back out, but it's an immediate loss," Yumeko added, "Because this isn't an election bet, we can bet limbs as well as money."

"You bet your money on how sure you are you won't lose your limb. For example, I could say, 'I bet $1 million that my arm won't take the bullet.' You could also bet on another person's likelihood to back out as well as their likelihood to get shot," Atari added.

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