Chapter 29: See Me

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A few days passed since the girl's admitted their love for each other. More accurately, since Mary admitted she loved Yumeko too. Things had been going over smoothly; Atari started going to Hyakkou, Mary decided not to gamble, instead deciding to help Atari with her studies. Despite wanting to be student council president, Mary was confident in her ability to remain in second place, a close second at that, while helping Atari.

Meanwhile, Yumeko had been engaging in small bets in an attempt to collect as many gambling chips as possible. She even managed to go against the people who were, at the time, in fourth and fifth place. Of course, she won, and was now sitting at a comfortable 124 votes, bringing her to fourth place. Right now, she was only behind Obami Rin, Mary, and Kirari.

It grinded Yumeko's gears to be in fourth place. Not because she wanted to win, not that at all, it was because of the way Rin, and most likely others, were collecting votes. Rin had established, rather early on in fact, a way to get around the gambling system. His great invention? Scum coin.

Scum coin, as you can guess, was his scummy means to climb to the top. The Obami family are well known conmen, and they definitely know their way around money and valuable items. That being said, Obami used his knowledge to his advantage, and he established a business in which everyone trades votes for coins and coins for money.

Yumeko discovered that he makes profit by telling people that for one vote or an unspecified amount of money, they can get a scum coin, and with said scum coin, they can gamble. If they happen to be someone who has no interest in gambling or the election, they can simply exchange their vote for a certain amount of money.

This may seem silly or impractical to most people at first, but Rin was smart enough to also include the concept of stock. For example, if someone were to put in 100 votes one day, as long as people continued investing in the scum coin business, the worth of those 100 votes would continue to skyrocket. The price of one vote can easily bump up to hundreds of thousands of dollars.

So, it's only logical that everyone would want to invest in this quick way of making money. Still, Yumeko was skeptical. She rarely interacted with Obami, but she was well aware of his family business. She was sure, without a shadow of a doubt, that he had some kind of trick up his sleeves, and he was, in some way, conning almost half the student body.

Today, however, marked the day of Mary's return to gambling, and she was going up against Obami Rin. Yumeko had spent a lot of time explaining Rin's tactics to her girlfriend. That last thing she wanted was for the blonde to fall into his grasp. She knew Mary was smarter than that, but there are only so many things a human can foresee happening, especially with so little information.

"I get it, I get it," Mary grumbled while Yumeko continued ranting about Rin's tactics.

"I just want you to be prepared," Yumeko said as she bumped Mary's side playfully.

"I know," Mary said, "but I've got it under control."

"If you say so," Yumeko relented.


The day passed quickly for both of them, and soon enough, it was time for Yumeko and Atari to return home while Ririka and Mary went to gamble with Rin. "Remember what I told you," Yumeko said with a rare serious face.

"I got it," Mary assured her, "I'll see you at home."

"Have fun, Mary," Atari said with a smile while dragging Yumeko away.

Mary exhaled a sigh of relief before turning to her friend with a smile. "Here," Ririka said while handing Mary 2 briefcases.

"Huh?" Mary asked while accepting them, "My God, these are heavy!"

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