Chapter 28: Beautiful Things

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Shout out to anyone who knows why this chapter is called what it is (Hint: Chapter 26) :D

ALSO, thank you all so much for 2k views! I know it's not a lot, especially compared to my clexa story, but I really am appreciative. When I first started writing here, I never expected people to read my stories, so knowing that 2,000 people read this and even liked it is crazy to me. I'm grateful to all of you!

P.S. I know I'm struggling with school, so if any of you are having a similar problem (work issues/school is killing you/issues with friends/etc) feel free to DM me! You'll always have a friend in me <3


When Mary finally calmed down, the two walked to Ririka's house. Mary was planning on going home to be alone, but she knew her mother would ask questions about why Yumeko wasn't with her. On top of that, she didn't want to think about the other girl at the moment.

Mary was sad, of course, but more than that, she was angry. She told Yumeko time and time again that she needed to think more clearly about other people before making rash decisions like the one she made today. Even after telling Yumeko these things over and over again, she proceeded to do whatever she wanted with no regard for Mary. Was that what she called love?

"Want something to eat?" Ririka asked tentatively as she pushed her student council work to the side, checking on her friend.

"I'm fine," Mary assured her, but Ririka heard the bite to her words.

"You're angry," Ririka observed.

"Of course I am!" Mary exclaimed.

"I'm not saying you don't have the right to be," Ririka told her calmly, "I just expected you to be more sad or worried."

"That too," Mary agreed, "She's just so.... Frustrating."

"Yumeko just does her own thing," Ririka told Mary.

"I've noticed," Mary sighed in frustration.

"I'm sure she'll win," Ririka told her, deciding to change the subject a little.

"She better," Mary said, calming down a little while laying down on her bed.

After a few moments, Ririka saw that Mary fell asleep, and she had to hold back a laugh. The blonde went from fuming to sleeping in a matter of minutes. Ririka put a blanket over the blonde before exiting her room to look for something to eat.

In the kitchen, she bumped into her mother who was cooking. "Ririka, dear, where is your sister?" her mother asked without looking at her.

"She's still at the school," Ririka told her mother evenly.

"Oh? Gambling?" her mother asked.

"Something like that," Ririka shrugged. "What are you cooking?" Ririka asked, trying to change the subject.

"Your sister's favorite to celebrate leading the election," her mother answered.

You wouldn't do that if I was winning.

"Oh, okay," Ririka said as she looked for something in the fridge.

"What are you looking for?" her mother asked.

"An apple," Ririka said as she found one and took it out of the fridge, "I don't like this meal."

"Okay," her mother nodded in understanding. Her mother and father never really cared what she did which had its ups and downs. It meant she could do whatever she wanted, but sometimes she felt that if she died in that moment, none of them would show up.

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