Chapter 4: It All Comes Back

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"Hey, Ryota?" Yumeko said to get his attention.

"Yes, Yumeko?" he replied.

"How do I get a dorm?" Yumeko asked.

"Here, I'll show you," he smiled as he grabbed Yumeko's wrist and dragged her to the area where you can get a dorm.

"She needs a single dorm room for the year," Ryota said as he approached a counter with a man behind it.

"Yeah, alright. Here, room 20C," he said lazily as he handed her a set of keys.

"That was easier than I thought," Yumeko giggled as they walked to what would become her new room.

"Why'd you want a dorm anyway? You must have a house since you didn't get a dorm before," Ryota questioned.

"I just want to be closer to the school," Yumeko lied, and Ryota seemed to believe it.

"Alright, here's your dorm," Ryota said as he turned the key and opened the door for her.

When she peeked into the room, it was possibly the smallest space she'd ever seen. Then again, she had always lived in mansions, so finding something smaller wasn't that big of a feat. She looked around and found that the dorm was just a small living room, a bedroom, and a small bathroom. It was small, but she liked it. She wouldn't feel lonely and empty here.

"I can help you move in if you'd like," Ryota offered.

"I've got it," she said somewhat coldly. She had never let anyone see her family mansion before, and she didn't intend on changing that anytime soon. The mansion belonged to her family. The family that was gone. She was going to keep it as it is because it reminded her of when they were all together.

"If you say so," Ryota shrugged, "In that case, I'm going home."

"Okay, have fun," Yumeko yelled to him as he left the room.

She heaved a sigh as she realized she'd need someone to drive her stuff here after all. She had packed all her stuff earlier that morning as she had planned to move somewhere new, dorm or not. All she needed was a car. She had her license, but she never invested in a car because she was constantly on the run. A car was too easy to track.

"Fuck," she whispered as she exited the room. She didn't have any friends aside from Ryota, so it's not like she could ask to borrow someone's car. She could buy one, but she'd never use it except for this one move.

In the end, she decided she'd just move all her boxes over one by one. She'd bring a few to school with her everyday, drop them off, and bring a few in after school as well. Yeah, that would work.

She walked back to her family's mansion and grabbed a few boxes before walking back. The walk was pretty short since Hyakkaou was only a few blocks from her mansion, but it was pretty annoying with two boxes stacked in her grasp. She could barely see over them.

In fact, that's why when she entered the school, she ended up bumping into someone and knocking them over. "Oh my god! I'm so sorry," Yumeko apologized while setting her stuff down.

"Oh, Yumeko," Kirari smiled.

"It's Jabami to you," Yumeko scoffed as she picked her boxes up.

"Oh, you're still mad I see," Kirari said sadly, "It's been 8 years, Jabami, just move on."

Yumeko whirled around, so her face was mere inches from Kirari's. She saw the blonde swallow before setting her face back to its usual condescending visage. "You, of all people, have no right to say that," she whispered angrily before she continued walking away.

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