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Eden Crawford.

Sometimes I wonder what my life would have turned out to be like if my father wasn't the leader of one of the biggest weapon cartels in the world.

How my life would be if I was normal, not constantly checking over my shoulder while walking down the street wondering if someone is about to jump me or shoot me right between the eyes. How it would feel to have a group of friends to see on weekends or have someone to call and text whenever I pleased.

But not with me.

I have always lived life in constant question. Why do I need to do this, why is this important, why is this happening, why me. Why.

You would most likely picture me to be a typical stuck up, spoiled, daddy's little rich girl on her way to the mall to buy the latest "Louis Vuitton" bag with his money.  Nope, not me. I am up at 5 am every morning with my brothers to teach me our newest training regimen for self-defense.

You would picture me as the girl who is in constant fear with the unpredictable and dangerous lifestyle I've been thrown into, which, yes is true, but I try my best to not show it. I know how to defend myself, I can pull a gun out from behind my back faster than you can say "Cheeky Nandos" and you would be dead instantly. But I have never been in a situation where I have had to, not like I want to be. I never wanted to be involved in this shit in the first place.

But here I am sitting in my room, staring at the ceiling ready to start the same day I have lived for the past 19 years, well more like 7 years since my mother died. Nothing has been the same since she's been gone.

But like always, I get up to do what I need to do, start the day as best as I can, today was going to go a little different than my usual routine though, it was October 3rd, 2017. You may wonder why this day is different, well, today is the 7th anniversary of my mother's death.

I never fully knew what happened with my mother, my father never shared much with me, he's always been like that though unfortunately.

I throw on some sweats and a hoodie and leave my disaster of a room, I slip down the hallway and stroll along before reaching my favorite brother's room.

"Morning Dave" I shyly wave at him, standing in his doorway.

He smiles up at me waving. He was on the phone. I point out to the garden to let him know I would be outside and he nods, returning back to his call.

I've always been close to Dave, he's only 2 years older than me. Dave's always kept his lighthearted, humorous attitude even with all the hardships we've been through, always there to put a smile on my face.

I smile to myself leaving Dave's room and continue down the hallway past my older brother James room, I'm not as close with James as I am with Dave but he is still a good brother to me, despite him being way too overprotective. I can tell he is working out from the loud heavy rock music blaring from his room, best not to disturb a man and his workout.

I stroll down the stairs into the kitchen grabbing an apple and quickly heading to the front door to get my gross looking Nike runners on before my dad stops me and has a 45-minute conversation about what he needs me to do for the day, I just wanted some peace and quiet outside to myself.

I wander down onto the garden path, picking a white rose before quickly running over to a huge willow tree in the distance.

Rose Crawford

Loving mother and wife


I sit in front of the engraved tombstone underneath the willow tree placing the white rose in front of it.

"Morning mum" I smile to myself, grazing my fingers over her name, wishing she was still here today. "I miss you, so much. This still doesn't even feel real mum, we miss you, all of us. Dave and James are doing good, well, Dave has always been good, you know him, such a goof" I smile at the ground as my eyes start to well up a bit.

"James and Dad are doing alright, James is doing better than I thought actually. He actually gave me a hug the other day, crazy I know right" I chuckle to myself as a tear slips down my cheek onto the grass. "Dad is good, I know he misses you so much, mum. He just isn't the same anymore" I huff out, missing the smile my dad used to have on his face all those years ago.

In the distance behind me, I hear Dave calling for me, I avert my eyes from the headstone turning towards the house seeing him in the back doorway. "EDEN DAD NEEDS YOU INSIDE HE SAID IT'S AN IMPORTANT FAMILY MEETING!" Dave calls out from the house.

"OKAY COMING!" I yell back. "Well, it was nice talking to you mum but looks like I've got to go for today. As always, I love you, talk soon" I stand up quickly dusting the grass off my sweats and jogging back to the house.

So many thoughts were bouncing around in my head as to what my father could possibly need, I knew this must be incredibly important because I haven't been in his office since finding out my mother died 7 years ago, I always avoided going in, and my father understood why, it brought back horrible memories. All these emotions suddenly ran through my body as I placed my hand on the doorknob...

-7 years ago-

I was so tired and confused as to what was going on and why I was locked in my father's office with my two older brothers who seemed to be panicking a lot. I didn't even know what time it was until glancing over at the old grandfather clock in the corner of the room that read 1:45 am.

What was going on? Was it my mum?

Suddenly I hear the door unlock and I turn my head towards the noise to see my father standing there with tears in his eyes.

"Dad. Are y-you ok? What's going on? Where is mum? S-she wasn't here when I went-"

"Eden please let dad calm down ok" I was cut off by James who rushed over to my father to see what was the matter.

"I need you all to sit down for a moment," my father said, tears spilling out of his eyes.

"Your mother she-" he could barely even speak, his voice was hoarse, he was shaking and rubbing his face with his hands. Before taking a deep breath, his next words sent me into a pit of darkness...

"Your mothers dead"


I shook my head out of my thoughts from all those years ago and took a deep breath before turning the handle and walking into my father's office seeing what my fate was going to bring me today...

HELLO BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE! This was chapter 1 of The Alliance and there is still more to come and more to be discovered ;)...

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