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Eden Crawford.

Things have been good, surprisingly.

After our little chat last night it started to get cold so I decided to head inside and go to bed, it had been a long day. On the other hand, Harry stayed out there for what seemed like another hour, probably finishing off his bottle of scotch until I heard him creep to bed.

It's now 9 in the morning and I'm stretching on the beach, preparing for our first training session.

Harry's been up since 7 am, making phone calls and getting updates on the situation at hand, everyone's still safe but they're worried the Commission is going to plan another attack. In my opinion and with all of my knowledge I have about what's going on, they won't attack for a while, they're too weak at the moment and are probably regrouping still in the beginning stages of their next plan. But who would ever listen to me right?

I stretch my arms above my head, take a deep breath, and then exhale as I bend down to touch my toes. Not even two seconds later Harry comes waltzing out onto the deck.

"Wow, now that's a view I like to see in the morning," he says with a snarky attitude, a huge smirk probably plastered on his face.

I stand up straight again rolling my eyes as I turn to face him.

"Cut it out, I'm here to train not to get catcalled asshole," I say while simultaneously swatting his arm.

"Seems like you need it too, that was the weakest hit I've ever felt," Harry states with a judging face.

"Can we just start?" I say annoyed.

"Yea yea fine".

He leads the way over to the sand so we can practice combat on a bit of a softer surface.

"Ok, I've noticed that your fighting skills can be sloppy and unplanned when in the midst of a fight. I'm guessing this is because the only training you've gotten was in a safe area just practicing with a professional or your brothers, so you don't have any 'on-the-job' experience. You need to learn to use your instincts when something happens unexpectedly and not just rely on what you've learned in previous training because well, you didn't know that guy was gonna pull out a knife." Harry says gesturing to my leg which has a giant scar still healing. "We don't want any more incidents."

"So, what I'm going to do is come at you and eventually pull an unexpected move and I want you to react as quickly as possible with the right method." He says getting into a fighting stance.

I nod and match his form.

Harry throws a punch and I quickly dodge it, he punches again and I duck then go to take a swing but he catches my fist and twists my arm back.

I groan slightly from the pain but then punch his jaw with my other fist.

Harry barely flinches then brings my arm around my back and puts me in a headlock before I can even blink.

I didn't even notice but at some point, he pulled a gun out of his pants and is now holding it to my head as my body is being held flush to his torso.

I was about to break out of the chokehold the way Dave taught me, remembering the steps until he starts speaking.

"Bang, you're dead. That was more than enough time for me to pull the trigger and put a bullet in your head."

He releases me and I turn to face him. Now I see what he means.

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