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Harry Styles.

Watching Eden speed down the hallway as the constant guns of fire raided the house, I felt somewhat at ease watching her escape this mess. Her brown hair messily draped down her back, flowing as she ran, her gun clutched in her right hand as she frantically ran down the hallway. Finally turning down a hallway and disappearing.

I quickly returned my gaze to the men in front of me, shooting them down one by one.

"You could die"

I kept hearing Eden's words linger in the back of my head.

Why did she care so much about what happened to me?

And worst of all, why the hell did I care so much.

This woman, who I frankly couldn't stand, had more of an effect on me than I ever thought she would.

For all the negativity surrounding our conversations every day, there's something deep down that I feel and I don't know what it is.

"HARRY ALL THOSE MEN ARE DOWN WE NEED TO GET THE HELL OUT NOW" Dave yells at me, breaking me from my thoughts.

I reload my gun aggressively, ready for anything to pass our way.

I kept feeling some sort of regret from the words I told Eden earlier, how I was doing this for my men and not her.

The truth was, the only reason why I went back to get her was for her.

2 weeks ago I would have left her in her room to die, but some guilt washed over me and told me to go get her and make sure she was safe.

I hated feeling weak and that's exactly how that made me feel.

I quickly rush over to Dave and James, getting ready to manage to find some sort of way out of here.

"Do you really think that was a good idea, James? Telling Eden to go" I hear Dave ask James, I keep my gaze in front of us for any more members of the Commission.

"Of course it was, I wasn't going to let her get shot and die here, Dave. It was the best option" James tells him, loading his gun up.

"Yeah well, what if she got shot already, James? Then what? She's our baby sister, you just made her leave" Dave quips at James harshly, growing irritated and I couldn't help but wonder if she may not have made it out.

James stayed silent at Dave's point, not knowing what to say.

The silence grew with time until there were more bullets flying from the upstairs.

"We won't make it if we run, we need to get rid of them from the upstairs," I tell both of them, quickly moving away from the pillar, running and shooting the few men upstairs.

James and Dave quickly followed behind me, shooting and clocking any guy in sight.

With the remainder of the men upstairs dead, the only way out was the window and I dreaded the thought of broken glass in my hair.

"Fucking hell" I groan to myself, looking at the large window.

"Shit, there's more of them coming lets fucking go" James sats quickly, making all three of us take a running start before shattering and jumping through the window.

I blocked my arms in front of my head before all three of us jumped headfirst out the window. glass shattering around our bodies until making an extremely long fall to the ground.

We all hit the ground with a loud thud, moans, and groans coming from our mouths as we soak up the pain from the fall.

I got up quickly after that, brushing off the glass from my body, looking down to still see James and Dave on the ground, out of breath.

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