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Eden Crawford.

I turn the brass doorknob shakily, opening it to see Dave already sitting on one of the sofas in dads office. Seeing him immediately eases my nerves from being in this godforsaken room.

"Hey kid" Dave smiles at me, patting the spot on the sofa next to him. "Did you have a good time visiting mum this morning?" He asks as I slowly pace over to the couch, sitting down warily next to him.

I quickly look up at him surprised he asked that considering he knows I usually keep that to myself knowing it's very personal to me, but I guess being the anniversary of her death and all, he's just making sure I am okay. That's what I have always loved about Dave, he has always been so caring and compassionate throughout all of this, I just wish I could be there for him like he is for me, but I do try my best.

"Yeah, it was nice, picked a white rose for her" I smile at him and he just nods back knowing that's all he's going to get out of me which is partially true, I don't like being the centre of attention.

"God could James be any slower, he's acting like his six-pack is gonna be the topic of discussion for today" Dave says annoyed. I chuckle at Dave's choice of words, he really never fails to make me laugh.

But my happiness is quickly interrupted as my father and James both walk in, my father taking a seat at his desk and James sitting on the single chair next to Dave and I.

"Morning all of you, as you can imagine this is very important, or else I wouldn't have called you all in here" my father coughs before straitening up in his seat, he looks rather anxious, maybe even nervous, I rarely see my father get like this.

"As you know our family has a big name and reputation to uphold, we have eyes on us from all corners of the world, The Commission in Russia have a target on us and is planning an attack in the following few months to steal some of our most valuable inventory" my father states sternly.

"Father, excuse my rudeness but what does any of this have to do with us?" James says with harshness in his voice.

I can't help but begin to worry as to what this all may be about. "Dad, what's going on?" I say with worry. He stays silent at our demands. "Listen, dad, this isn't the time to shut down, tell us what's going on" I state confidently, shocked with my sudden outburst, but I have had enough of this.

"I'm sure you are all familiar with the Styles family and their cartel" my father states vaguely as if we didn't use to spend almost every weekend with them years ago. But I'm confused as to what they would have to do with the Russians.

James scoffs at my father's brief statement "boy do we know the fucking Styles alright, what the fuck does this have to do with them?" James questions my father. All of us confused as to what James' problem is right now but I can't help but question my father's statement too, what would us, his beloved children have to do with any of this.

"James please" my father sighs "with the Commissions as a threat to us, I have no choice but to seek protection from the Styles"

I swear James almost shit his pants because the next thing I know James is slamming his fist down on the hardwood table, making me jump a little in my seat from his sudden outburst.

I'm so fucking confused.

"You can't be this stupid father" James scoffs "THE STYLES, ARE YOU FUCKING INSANE" James yells, making my father's face go as red as a tomato.

"James this isn't about you, stop being so selfish boy" my father raises his voice "don't you ever speak to me like that again".

The room goes dead silent and I try my best not to literally pee my pants when I hear Dave speak.

"Well, this is pretty awkward, god James get the stick out of your ass you big baby. Want little Davey to come to give you a kiss and make you feel better" Dave laughs at himself but James nor my father seem very amused.

"Dad I am still really confused as to what this has to do with any of us" I butt in quickly before they can all start bickering again, just wanting to cut to the chase.

"This doesn't have anything to do with all of you, just you sweetheart," my father says slightly timidly.

"Me?" I say in shock "What do I possibly have to do with this whole situation and the Styles and-" I am quickly cut off by James who never seems to let me finish.

"Father you can't be serious..." James says with worry in his voice.

"Wait, am I thinking what your thinking and what he's thinking" Dave comes in with an also worried look on his face as he and James both share a concerning look before looking at me.

"Okay, seriously what the fuck is going on?" I question with anger in my voice "what are you guys talking about"

"Eden..." my father begins quietly.

"You need to marry Harry Styles."

CHAPTER 2!!!! I know things may sound confusing but you will find out soon enough!!!!

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