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Eden Crawford.

The door opens with a kind smile from a very attractive blonde man and the first thing I hear is quiet bickering from across the room.

At a large brown oak desk, Liam Styles stands behind it with an annoyed expression on his face as he's listening to the man in front of him arguing about something I can't quite make out. The tall man in front of him is facing away from the door stood leaning against the desk, white-knuckling the oak tabletop out of anger.

Liam Styles eyes suddenly dart towards our direction as he catches gaze with my father next to me and he immediately stands up straighter and looks back at the man in front of him with a stern look saying "Harry they're here now, show some respect and stop arguing with me."

Oh god, that's Harry. He hasn't turned yet but I was filled with fear as soon as I found out I'd be meeting him sooner than I thought. For some reason, I assumed he would show up late and create a scene but I guess I was wrong.

Harry slowly straightens up his posture and stiffens his back in such a dark way it makes me more nervous than I already am as he slowly turns around to face us as his eyes immediately catch mine. Forest green and so captivating I couldn't look away, dark brown curls and a perfectly structured face, I would be crazy to admit I didn't find him at least a little bit attractive but what shocked me most was how his expression quickly changed from angry and annoyed to almost... surprised, it seemed. His eyebrows slightly raised and his lips parting as he almost seemed shocked to see me, he analyzes my features then he pulls his eyes away from mine in what almost seems like a struggle.

He looks at my father, Dave then James, and he instantly drops his eyebrows and scoffs at the sight of my oldest brother rolling his eyes in the process

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He looks at my father, Dave then James, and he instantly drops his eyebrows and scoffs at the sight of my oldest brother rolling his eyes in the process. "Oh for fucks sake," he says as annoyed as can be.

Harry slumps down into the armchair next to his father's desk grabbing a glass of whiskey and taking a long gulp drinking the whole thing in one go. His father points his finger at Harry catching his attention and pounding his fist into the desk. "What did I just say boy," Liam says to him sternly. His actions don't faze me at all with the life that I live and the people I'm constantly around.

Mafia dads, am I right?

Harry turns his head away from his father with clenched teeth and looks back at James again. Not being able to help himself he smirks and says "god you've gotten uglier" which completely sent James over the edge as he begins to walk towards Harry with clenched fists until my father grabs him by the back of the collar with a firm grip as he leans down and tells him to behave.

Liam clears his throat as he straightens out his suit and begins walking towards my father giving him a handshake and hug "Nice to see you old friend" Liam says as he pulls away to stand in front of him. I can't help but look over at Harry as he sits relaxed in the armchair sipping another glass of whiskey he must have poured. With the glass barely touching his bottom lip and hovering under his nose, I notice he's looking me up and down with a devilish look in his eyes which felt like forever but I know it was only a few seconds.

Liam then pulls my attention away from Harry as he stands in front of me holding his hand out to shake, I take it with a firm grip always being taught never to give a dead fish when shaking someone's hand, it's just polite.

We break contact and he looks over my face then returning to my eyes as he speaks "It's nice to see you again Eden, you've grown up so fast, and you look so much like your mother... I never got to say it face to face but I wanted to let you know how sorry I am about your mother's passing, even after all these years I hope you accept my condolences." Harry scoffs under his breath hating how polite his father is all of a sudden. I roll my eyes, I couldn't believe how immature he was acting right now, selfish prick.

Liam clears his throat and motions for all of us to take a seat on the couches in the center of the room around the coffee table. Everyone moves towards the couches sitting down, Dave on my left and my father on my right as James stands behind us because there's not enough room. The blonde man who answered the door earlier is sat next to a brunette man on the couch to our left, I look over to them curiously wondering who they could be. They have a kind look to them interestingly enough, but I've learned that looks can be quite deceiving. Liam must have noticed me peering over at them because he spoke up from the couch in front of us motioning to them saying "pardon my manners, this is Niall and Louis, acquaintances of ours. They play a big part in the Styles business so you will most likely be seeing them around here quite often".

They share hellos with everyone giving the room a small nod as they introduce themselves and I politely smile as Niall smiles back. As much as I would love to trust the kind-looking man with a nice smile and kind face I'm too smart for that and I know to keep my distance.

Silence quickly envelops the room for a few moments until Niall speaks up and makes a cheeky comment "jeez you could cut the tension in here with a knife, I think that's our cue to leave Louis". I accidentally let a giggle slip out as they stand from their seats and head to the door. Dave elbows me in the ribs lightly as a warning not to laugh right now. I look up to see Harry smiling at the ground, holding in a laugh at Niall's comment as well but quickly fades. He catches my gaze for a split second before I lower my head and stare at my hands for what seems like the millionth time today.

The awkward tension fills the room again until my father speaks "Alright I think this has gone on long enough, it's time to address the elephant in the room" Harry then chimes in unnecessarily "I think we already know what's going on here, there's no need to address it" he says coldly obviously hating the idea of talking about it.

"Shut it Harry" Liam mumbles with hatred leaning towards his ear, trying his best not to cause a scene.

"Ya Harry why don't you just keep your big mouth shut for once in your life" James scoffs cutting in.

Oh shit, here we go again.

Harry gets up from his seat abruptly taking a step towards James as he also struts towards Harry but before anything could happen my dad stands between them pushing against their shoulders piercing his eyes into theirs with a look that could kill. "That's enough!" he says impatiently.

Harry then pulls away and walks towards the door mumbling under his breath some incomprehensible words of annoyance. He storms out slamming the door after him.

Dave coughs lightly, straightening up in his seat and lightly rubbing his hands on his thighs and suddenly I'm already preparing myself for the sarcastic comment I know he's about to make.

"Well, that went well."

THEY HAVE ARRIVED. What's gonna happen with Harry and Eden? The tension isn't over yet!!!

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