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Harry Styles.

I storm out of my father's office with clenched teeth and veins probably popping out my neck with anger.

The Crawfords.

Where do I even begin, just the name irritates me to say, and now they're stuck here in our bloody house, all four of them still sitting in my father's office, amazing. 

But her, Eden, she just irritates the absolute shit out of me. She never even spoke up, but the way she had the nerve to try and sneak rolling her eyes several times at me was a huge mistake. Can't forget to mention the constant staring I was getting from her, trying not to make it obvious but failing miserably.

I haven't been fond of her ever since we were kids though, so honestly, I could care less. But I would be lying to myself if I wasn't shocked by how attractive she had gotten. Her brown eyes caught mine instantly when she stepped into my father's office, my gaze fixated on hers for what seemed like forever, it was almost like a struggle to pull away. I was baffled, wondering if this was the same girl I knew all those years ago? She was just an awkward little thing, ugly thick-rimmed glasses covering her face with braces and the god awful clothes that she used to wear. But she was like a whole new person now with gorgeous brown hair and matching eyes that I could now see clearly. Her sense of style had changed and she had grown into her looks, quite possibly making her one of the most beautiful girls I've ever seen. But that doesn't change the fact that I still can't stand her and her family.

I tried not to let my mind get carried away, remembering who she was to me and pushing the thoughts immediately out of my head forgetting them instantly.

That brings me now to my dearest old friend James, I couldn't help but literally groan and roll my eyes at the sight of him in front of me. I have always hated James, he's such a prick, he's always made my blood boil to the absolute limit. I hated how my father spoke about him and how shitty he would make me feel, always comparing me to him saying he was better than me and that I always needed to step it up. This is why I am the man I am today. Now I know I'm fucking better than James in any way possible, I dedicate my life to this job and my father, and it took everything in me to not rip my gun out and put a bullet right in his head.

Storming down the long hallway, into the kitchen I grab a whole bottle of whiskey before walking out to a balcony overlooking the long open English fields. I take a long swig from what seems like the strongest whiskey I have ever tasted, loving the warm feeling it gives me.

I truly have never been in more of a shit mood than today.

Suddenly my peaceful thoughts are irrupted when I hear two familiar voices coming from behind me.

"Harry mate, pass over the bottle will ya, greedy bugger" Niall chuckles at himself feeling quite amused and I can't help but laugh with him handing him the bottle even though he is a complete dickhead. Niall always finds a way to make people laugh in shitty situations.

"That was one awkward meeting if I've ever seen one, glad we got out of there before Harry had his little temper tantrum" Louis laughs out, making Niall choke on his whiskey he just took a long swig of. Absolutely hilarious.

"Shove off dickhead" I snap before walking back inside from the balcony and just as I think nothing could get any worse, it does.

My father walks into the kitchen with the Crawfords tailing closely behind and my eyes meet hers again.

Eden Crawford.

After Harry's sudden outburst in Liam's office, the conversation continued about whatever was going to happen, I stopped paying attention after a while, getting lost in what seemed like an endless train of thoughts.

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