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Eden Crawford.

I haven't even been able to process my father's six words when James suddenly slams his fists on my father's desk in a pit of rage as their words grow muffled around me. James roaring something about how he will not let me go near Harry Styles whatsoever, going on about how he would never trust a disgusting scum bag like him around me.

I  continue to stay silent as I still can't even begin to process what my father had just told me.

"You need to marry Harry Styles"

That was all I could hear in the back of my head for which seemed like hours when I knew it was only a couple of seconds before I stood up.

"You've got to be kidding me" I spit out in utter shock "is this some sick twisted joke? I am 19 years old and you want me to get MARRIED? MARRY A MAN I HAVE NOT SEEN IN 7 YEARS. A MAN WHO HATES ME FOR NO FUCKING REASON? Absolutely unbelievable" I yell, quieting down near the end out of pure shock.

This cannot be real. I can't even believe this.

I storm out of the room in a fit of rage hearing whispers from the room and Dave telling James to give me some space.

Good on ya Dave, I swear I would have kicked James straight in the balls if he tried to come to talk to me right now.

I stomp up to my room and slamming my door so hard picture frames from my wall came crashing down and shattering on the floor. I wanted to scream, cry, yell, pull my hair out.

But I was completely numb.

I just sat on the corner of my bed for a while staring at my hands in my lap which seemed like an eternity until I heard a faint knock at the door breaking me out of a daze.

"Eden?" my father's faint voice spoke from outside the door.

Great. Just awesome. Can't wait for the news he has now, what's next? I am gonna have to have Harry's kids too?

Okay, maybe I shouldn't joke about that right now.

My father slowly opens the door and I tell him to come in.

"I don't appreciate you running off Eden Crawford" my dad states sternly.

"What do you expect me to-"

"Now let me finish" he breathes out, sounding stressed again "I know this may seem... extreme Eden, but you need to understand that in this family, this business, it comes with a lot of sacrifices. I know this is scary honey, but right now you need to act like an adult and take responsibility"

I couldn't believe he was telling me to 'act like an adult' right now. But I just nod my head slowly, boiling with rage on the inside, pretending to accept the fact that this is what this fucking family comes with, all this shit.

"You need to know I would never ask you for something like this unless it was absolutely necessary. This is a very old tradition, but one that is for some reason still thriving today, it's how I married your mother, but you know this already... that I was in love with her even prior to the arrangement. That's beside the point but what I'm saying is this is necessary for our alliance and our family's safety." He says and continues before I can even get a word in.

"You need to make this sacrifice for your family or we will be ruined, we really won't survive it this time Eden" he places a hand on my shoulder "This is bigger than you and me, this is bigger than our gang, our and our family. This is what we need you to do for us."

I just nod my head again, truly not knowing what to say at this point.

"You need to step up in this family business and take some responsibility for us, the cartel, and your life," he says sternly, breaking my heart a little.

"Do this for me" he says with coldness in his eyes, not with care, but selfishness.

"Fine" I huff out "I'll do it"

My father stands slowly walking towards the door but turning to face me one last time, "This is for the best." he says trying to make me feel better. Hate to break it to ya dad, but nothing you could say at this moment would ever make me feel better. He finally turns to leave the room after I stared at him coldly not replying to his statement.

I look down in my lap before mumbling under my breath as he shuts the door.

"Not like I haven't sacrificed enough for you already."

WELL SHIT!!!! Things are getting pretty serious with the Crawfords, they might be arriving at a certain someone's house next chapter...;)

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