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Eden Crawford.

Never would I have thought such an elegant place could suddenly become so wild. Lights flashing everywhere, people dancing to the music, floor sticky from all the spilled alcohol and can't forget about half the crowd shoving their tounges down each other's throats.

Harry left me as soon as we got here and I've just been at the bar alone sipping on vodka spritzers the entire time. I haven't even glanced around to see if I could spot him out anywhere, my eyes have just been focused on my glass.

What a fun night for me.

I decided to order a strong martini while I was at it, spice things up a bit. I know I'm only 19, but I don't really think the bartender seems to really care that much, plus I'm pretty sure I am legal here to drink but either way it wasn't my top worry of the night, not like this is my first time drinking anyway.

I force myself to turn around to the large crowd of chatting and dancing people, everyone looked so happy to be here. Couldn't say the same about myself, I literally felt like the biggest loser.

My eyes slowly scan the crowd until they land on a group of bleach blonde headed girls wearing skimpy dresses with a certain individual.

Mr. Harry Styles.

Why was I surprised?

They took a round of shots, as all the girls let out an annoying loud pitch scream shaking their heads as the mystery substance when down their throats, Harry remained unfazed as he had a large smirk plastered across his stupid gorgeous face.

One of the girls walks behind Harry, massaging his shoulders lightly with her hands before running them down the front of his toned chest and began trailing kisses on his neck.

He just kept looking forward with no look of satisfaction on his face whatsoever, that is, until his eyes met mine in the flashing lights.


An evil smirk spread across his lips as he looks me up and down, for once I don't shy away from his glare, I actually engage in it more, taking a long sip of my martini keeping my brown eyes on his green ones.

I can't help but notice his hand slowly move to the crotch of his pants, rubbing it lightly, I remain unfazed but I can't help begin to feel extremely hot... even though it was already boiling outside anyway.

He removes his hand in a quick motion, as he breaks away our eye contact and grabbing onto the girl's arm to come to stand in front of him. Before I can even process it, he crashes his lips onto the blondes in a rough motion, hands gripping her hips while her hands wrap around his neck.

I roll my eyes and turn around ordering another martini.

What a fucking prick, did he really just do this for the second time, and for what reason? Have they not noticed the wedding ring finger on his hand? Fuck sake he probably took it off, smart guy. I can't really have a say, I didn't even have mine on this evening. God, I really need to try and stop being so fucking nice to him.

Just my luck, a man sits next to me at the bar, he had dirty blonde hair and a sharp jawline. He wore a nice little beach shirt with palm trees on it with a pair of khakis shorts and flip flops. He looked cute if I was being honest. I didn't know whether to introduce myself to be polite but-

"Hi. I'm Brenden" the man next to me said while placing his hand out for me to shake.

"Eden" I smile at him, shaking his hand.

"Nice grip you got there" he chuckles and I can't help but giggle back.

"Why thank you, I get that a lot" I smile at him "so, shall we get some drinks to keep the night exciting?" I ask him and he gladly nods his head while he gestures the bartender for some shots.

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