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Eden Crawford.

My eyes slowly opened as I awoke from my deep sleep.

The first thing I noticed was my massive headache as I pinched the bridge of my nose in an attempt to relieve the pain. The second thing I noticed was a bit more of a shock, my eyes widened as I looked over to my right where Harry was lying on his stomach, right arm draped over my stomach, and hair all messy facing away from me.

I mouthed the words oh shit as I tried my best to remember the events of last night. The last thing I remember was Harry punching that guy I was talking to in the face. Then I moved around a bit in the bed feeling a bit uncomfortable at what seemed to feel like... sand? Why would there be sand in the- oh my god. It all came back to me in a matter of seconds, I can't believe I made out with Harry on the beach, holy shit, I would've never done that if I was sober.

Well, what now? I'm trapped under his arm and he's still fast asleep.

I look around having no idea what to do until my eyes land on the arm draped over me. Wow, he's really muscular and those veins, oh my lord. I bite my lip as I gaze over his body, hands full of rings, and my head full of thoughts that I shouldn't be having right now.

I try my best to shuffle my way out from underneath him but the second I do he groans in his sleep signaling he's about to wake up. I panic and stay still for about a minute then try moving again as slowly as I can. I inch myself closer to the edge of the bed but Harry then turns his head in my direction with closed eyes as he yawns, his eyes slowly open and they dart to his arm that's still around me. He pulls it off immediately and looks over to me with immense confusion and shock in his eyes.

"Eden, what- what the fuck are you doing in my bed?" he says frustrated but not quite angry yet I'm guessing because he just woke up. I'd be lying to myself if I didn't say I found his morning voice at least a little attractive.

Not the time Eden.

I place my hands over my face in embarrassment, thinking to myself shit does he not remember what happened. Am I seriously going to have to explain what happened last night between us?

My thoughts are interrupted by Harry speaking up, his tone slowly getting more annoyed, "Eden! answer me." he says while sitting up in the bed.

"What happened last night? Why are you in my bed? And why- is this sand? Why is there fucking sand everywhere?!" He says raising his voice while getting off the bed to stand at the end of it.

"Can you please lower your voice, I'm really hungover" I say while rubbing my temples.

He then stomps over to me in a fit of rage, grabbing my arms to hoist me up and turning me so my feet are on the ground with him in front of me, grasping my wrists firmly. He just looks me dead in the eyes waiting for me to speak up I assume.

I take a deep breath preparing myself to tell him what I fear he'll get mad at me for. "First of all, calm down this isn't exactly just YOUR bed Harry," I say a bit annoyed  "So basically after you punched the guy I was talking to, we drank a lot, I remember many shots but it's all a little fuzzy still. Then we... you know, went to the beach-" I was cut off by him finishing the sentence I started "and made out on the sand, then came back here and fell asleep... I remember now." he says quite nonchalantly while letting go of my wrists, walking over to his suitcase mumbling words to himself.

"That's it?" I ask kind of confused at the fact he didn't have an outburst.

"Well it's not like it means anything, just a drunken mistake that won't happen again," he says while rummaging through his luggage.

"Oh... I see"

I felt a little uncomfortable for some reason, I've really never been the type to just hook up with someone like that, and to hear Harry say it was just a drunken mistake hurt just a tiny bit. Obviously, it meant nothing I don't know why I was feeling this way, probably just because it's so not like me. I don't think I've ever been that drunk before.

Harry pulls out some clean clothes for himself and starts to take off his shirt. My eyes widened only slightly from the sight of him, he was in really good shape and the tattoos just added to it.

He glanced over at me slightly annoyed saying "what are you still doing here? go get dressed or something." he says mumbling is disinterest.

"Jeez Harry just get off my back will ya?" he's really starting to get on my nerves these days with his constant nagging. I also get really moody when I'm hungover but still, someone needs to humble him a bit and I guess that's going to be me today.

He snaps his head in my direction with a look of pure annoyance. "What did you just say?" he says narrowing his eyes and cocking his head slightly forward almost like he didn't believe what he was hearing.

He paces slowly towards me while speaking "Eden I have been incredibly nice to you these past couple of weeks so I would bite that tongue of yours when you're around me because you don't want to know what I'm really like when I'm angry." he says attempting to threaten me with furrowed brows and clenched jaw. I stand up to be more level with him despite his towering height as he is now directly in front of me leaning forward slightly.

"That's what you call being nice? Are you serious Harry, you've been treating me like complete shit and you know it! You know what I don't feel like arguing right now." I start walking towards the bathroom but just as I'm about to reach it, Harry's phone starts ringing from across the room. I stop walking, deciding to be a little nosy and listen in on the call. He walks over to his phone in a huff, picking it up and answering it.

"What?" he says into the phone. I stand there eavesdropping as he glares at me from across the room. He furrows his brows in confusion at what the person said from the phone and closes his eyes while pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Are you serious? Here? fuck" He says in frustration while pacing across the room. Now I'm even more confused and slightly worried, who could be on the other line? Who's here and why does it concern him?

"Ya I got it, I'll get everything sorted out tonight at twelve. Alright, yep, bye." He says shortly then hanging up and tossing his phone on the bed. He gets his other suitcase from under the desk that was in the room and starts pulling out an assortment of weapons.

"Woah, Woah, Woah, what's going on? Who was on the phone?" I ask slightly panicked.

"It was my father, the Commission knows where we are and are threatening to kill us and obliterate our families unless we give them 5 million dollars so tonight I'm going to make a 'deal' with a group of men". Harry says calmly while loading weapons.

"Five million?! What the fuck! Okay, Okay I gotta go get ready." I say walking towards my suitcase. Harry immediately looks at me with shock on his face saying "What? Oh no darling you're not coming, you'd be dead before I could snap my fingers. There's no way you could handle yourself out there, you have no training." Little does he know...

"I can't handle myself out there? Really? Try me, Harry." I say confidently stepping towards him.

"Eden, I know you can't handle yourself," he says huffing under his breath while shaking his head in amusement at my antics. "But if you insist..." he says while smirking.

He moves towards me and by his stance and the way he's quickly raising his arms in an attempt to catch me off guard, I can tell he's about to flip me around and put me into a chokehold. Before he even lays a finger on me I lean back, grab Harry by the arm, a step towards the right side of his body as I hook my ankle around his foot and aggressively shove him to the ground, tripping him. I grab one of the guns from the desk, cock it then point it at his face all in a matter of seconds.

Harry looks at me in shock as he lays defenseless on the ground, hands by his head.

"So, can I come now?"


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