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"What the fuck Yoongi!" Jungkook yelled, pulling him off Jimin who was now shielding himself from the other angry male.

"You fucking twink! You're the reason Hoseok doesn't want to see me! You little shit! Let me go Jungkook!" Yoongi screamed at Jimin as he tried to fight off Jungkook.

"No! Go cool off! You cut his fucking cheek you asshole! Hobi has a boyfriend! Maybe you should be punching Hobi instead of Jimin!" Jungkook fumed, holding Yoongi back.

The platinum haired man breathed hard as he glared at Jimin, chest rising and falling in anger. "Fuck you." Then he turned and walked away.

Jungkook turned to look at the tiny blond who was holding his bloody cheek. It seemed Yoongi's ring had nicked his skin.

"Get up Tiny."

Jimin didn't bother looking at Jungkook as he wiped his bloody hand on his shorts and stood up. He made quick work of fixing his bag, brushing off and picking up Rock Bison.

"Let's get you patched up." JK offered.

"Fuck you." Jimin sniffled and walked away.

JK frowned. What the fuck? What did he do? He watched as the blonde male skated away.

Jimin could feel the blood dripping from his chin. The wind as he skated pulled the little droplets unto his shirt, staining it. His jaw hurt. No, scratch that, his whole head hurt. Yoongi had punched the living daylights out of him.

Jimin couldn't help but wonder why bad things kept happening to him. It wasn't like he was the one who hurt Yoongi. Hobi was the conniving asshole here, not him. So why did people keep punching him?

Jimin sighed as he reached his dorm and picked up his skateboard and headed in. He got to him and Tae's room and went in.

Apart of him was relieved when he saw his bestfriend, but another part of him could sense something was wrong.

Taehyung had his back turned as he fumbled around the kitchen.

"Tae?" Jimin hesitantly called out to his friend.

For a split second, Jimin saw the muscles in Taehyung's back twitch, then they relaxed. But he didn't answer. He didnt even turn around.

If Hobi had told the blue haired man the truth, that meant he would be devastated. People handled such a feeling differently though. It seemed Taehyung had just shut down completely.

Jimin walked up to the island and rested his bag on the stool. "Taehyung?"

His friend continued to cook, not even acknowledging his presence.

Jimin swallowed. It seemed Hobi had told him of his extra curricular activities. Now Jimin didn't know whether to console him or leave him be for the time being.

"Tae Tae I know you're hurting. I'm so sorry-"


Jimin's eyes widened at the shattered glass that had exploded into splinters right beside him. He turned to look at Taehyung who was huffing.

"What the hell Taehyung?!"

"Get out!" The blue haired man yelled.

"What? Tae? What-"

"Get out!" Tae grabbed a mug and threw it across the room, sailing it so close Jimin had to dodge it.

"What the hell!" Jimin yelled.

Then he heard banging on the door.

"Jimin? Are you in there? Are you okay?"

It was Jungkook.

Sk-hate-r (Jikook) *COMPLETE  Where stories live. Discover now