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The dull reverberation of wheels echoed through the halls as Jimin skated quickly to his class.

He didn't want to be late, or else Madame Gonzalez would give him an ear full and extra work. He sighed when he got to the studio and had an extra ten minutes to change freely and do some random stretches.

It was his Monday class that he had from 4 to 6 and he absolutely hated it. His teacher seemed to have a personal vendetta against him and he hated how lonely he felt because he hadn't really made any lasting friends.

College was not at all how Jimin had imagined it. Between the fact that he had no friends besides Tae and his boyfriend, his dance classes were hectic and to top it all off, he was beginning to question who he was. His style had changed dramatically and his usual bubbly personality was replaced with a quiet, brooding facade.

He would admit, Jungkook played a big part in his change. But not only that, he was starting to realize that he got less attention the more he covered up. It made him wonder if people only found him fascinating when he was in skin tight, revealing outfits. It seemed it may not have been about his personality after all that drew people towards him. But at this point, he didn't know and he had less energy to care.

Thankfully, his class wasn't too bad. Madame Gonzalez didn't pick on him too much and he was grateful.

His bones ached and his body was close to shutting down as he threw on his oversized blue sweater and slipped on grey sweatpants and sneakers.

He made small chit chat with his other colleagues before skating away to his dorm.

His loneliness was starting to get to him. The campus was scanty in the night and sometimes Jimin just wanted a little company to go back to his dorm. But alas, he had no actual friends except Taehyung who had texted and said he was staying at Hobi's for the night.

Jimin quickly made his way to his dorm and went inside. He showered and plopped on his bed in an oversized shirt. But all too suddenly, his stomach rumbled.

"Ah, shit!" The small male had forgotten all about grocery shopping. They had been low on food and Jimin was the one who was supposed to buy groceries this week.

The blond sighed and got up. "Might as well go," he thought out loud.

He got up and changed into a pink sweater, jeans and boots. He glanced at Rock Bison with a pout. He knew it would be a task to handle the shopping bags and the skateboard, so he decided to leave it.

Picking up his wallet, phone and keys, he made his way out of the dorm. He was glad there was a supermarket on campus and even though he rarely shopped there, it came in handy at times like these.

As the little blond stepped out into the cool air, his eyes darted around the pathway that was lit with streetlights here and there. It was pretty scanty since it was Monday and most classes were either done or still going on.

He walked briskly, wanting to get the shopping over as quickly as possible.

He made his way into General Foods supermarket and got everything he needed, walking out with a few bags of grocery. He now wished he had someone to call since he was struggling a bit. But he would have to just take his time and balance everything.

He hated that he had yet to find at least one friend he could count on. Taehyung was with Hobi more often than not. Which meant Jimin had to do everything on his own. He wasn't bitter about it. But still, his sadness was a burning emotion he couldn't quite shake.

He was glad when he spotted the dorm buildings about 3 minutes away. His arms were beginning to hurt and he knew they would soon give out.

All too suddenly, there was a whistle behind him.

Sk-hate-r (Jikook) *COMPLETE  Where stories live. Discover now