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"Why do I need to be blindfolded? Are you going to push me into the sea Jeon Jungkook?!" Jimin whined. He was eager to see what was behind the dark cloth that was covering over half his damn face. 

He heard Jungkook chuckle behind him. He was very aware of the taller's large hands on his waist, guiding him somewhere.

"Calm down. I told you, I'm taking you somewhere special. We're almost there."

Jimin quieted down. He was really curious to see what Jungkook had come up with, knowing he wasn't the romantic type.

They walked on for another few moments.

"This is my special spot when I come here. I wanted it to be our spot now." JK halted and steadied Jimin. He carefully took the blindfold off.

The smaller gasped, "It's beautiful! I didn't know places like this existed. Oh Kookie! Did you set this up?"

The raven haired male smiled proudly and nodded.

Jimin giggled as he took in the scenery. They were in a cave. It was pretty secluded but Jungkook had decorated it with fairy lights. A table was in the centre, filled with food and it had two chairs. There was another small table to the side with what looked like wine or maybe champagne in a bucket of ice. Jimin's eyes sparkled. "It's perfect Kookie. I love it."

"I'm glad beautiful. Let's go sit and eat. I know you must be hungry. I told Jin not to full you up too much." Jungkook stated as he guided the little one to the table.

Jimin huffed, "Is that why I only got toast and everyone else got pancakes and eggs?!"

Laughter spilled from Jungkook's lips as he seated himself after allowing Jimin to sit. "Well you can feast now. We have lobster or shrimp with potatoes and veggies. Which dish would you like?"

"Lobster please. Where'd you get the food?"

Jungkook placed one of the two plates in front of Jimin, "I ordered it from one of my favourite sea food restaurants in town. I hope you like it."

Jimin lifted off the cover and his eyes lit up, "Wow, it looks delicious and I'm starving."

The raven haired man laughed, "Dig in then Tiny. We'll share the wine after."

The two males ate heartily, both enjoying the delicious flavours that invaded their mouth. Jimin hummed often in delight and JK would smile adoringly at him.

"Can I ask you something?" Jungkook wiped his mouth as they both finished up their food.

The smaller bobbled his head.

"Um...you used to dress a lot more...showy. But now all you wear are sweaters and jeans. I know I'm in no place to ask since-"

Jimin held up his hand, "No, it's fine. You're curious. I get it. But a part of the reason is you I suppose."

Jk's jaw slackened, "I...Jimin you have-"

"Jungkook I valued your opinion back then. I didn't know why, but I did. What you said about my dressing hurt. It made me look at things differently and how persons might be viewing me. The attack just kind of made it even more real and true." Jimin sighed as he placed down his fork and pushed away his now empty plate. He missed his old clothes. They were his way of expression and identity. There was the faint realization that maybe, just maybe, things wouldn't ever work out with Jungkook because he didn't like that side of him. His true self.

"Jimin, no." The taller skimmed his hand over the surface of the table and grasped the small man's chubby fingers. "I'm so sorry baby. I actually really loved the way you dressed. I just...I was jealous that all the guys could see you like that too. They actually had a chance to steal you away. I hated that. I wanted you to cover up so badly that I said all those awful things to you."

Their eyes met as they gazed at each other.


"Ah Jimin. You have no idea how beautiful you are do you? You're absolutely breathtaking. Which is why I want us to be official. Will you be my boyfriend Park Jimin?" Jungkook smiled cutely, his doe eyes big and hopeful as he held on to the small hands of the adorable blonde.

A champagne pink hue spread across Jimin's fluffy cheeks as his whole face lit up with a magnificent smile, "Oh Koo...Yes. Yes of course. I'd like that very much!"

The raven haired man let out a cheer and got up quickly from the table, going over to the table with the wine. "Oh baby I'm so happy. This is our celebratory wine. Here's to our first day as a couple."

Jimin giggled, "You're so cheesy Jeon. I would have thought you had plenty of relationships before." He took the glass Jungkook offered him. 

He shook his head, "Only for you Tiny. Plus I've read books. Like...a  lot of books. I had the time. So I know exactly what to do and how to treat you my baby." He caressed Jimin's hand and pulled him up, slipping his hand around his waist as they stood inches apart. "I do have a request though."

"What's that Kookie?" 

"I want you to wear the clothes you feel comfortable in and don't ever change for anyone. Plus, I think you're fucking sexy as hell in your normal glam attire." Their eyes met.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes of course. I love what you used to wear."

"What if...what if I want to wear skirts too?"

Jungkook frowned softly, "Wait. You...I've never seen you cross dress."

Jimin looked down into his glass, the dark liquid reflecting his sadness. "I used to. But I stopped because I used to get bullied about it. I loved wearing skirts and blouses. I loved getting all glammed up. But other people didn't appreciate that. I was a boy after all. Boys don't wear girl clothes and look beautiful with glitter and glam like girls do."

The blond felt a finger tip his chin upwards and his eyes connected with the brown orbs of Jungkook.

"I promise you, I'll be here to protect you from everything. Be who you are Tiny. Be who you are with confidence and conviction. You had a light in your eyes when you dressed how you wanted. I want to see that light. I want to see it even brighter still. And if anyone has any fucking thing to say about it they will have to answer to me. Got it?" Jungkook said sternly, his gaze piercing into the smaller's.

Jimin lifted his glass, "Here's to our new beginnings."

They tipped their glasses together and downed the contents.

"Thank you Jungkook."

"No," The older male took his glass and placed them down on the table beside them, "Thank you for saying yes to us. For giving us a chance. I will forever be grateful." He scooped up the gorgeous blond and dipped his head, connecting their lips in a bruising kiss.

Jimin moaned unintentionally, surprised at the contact. He smiled and wrapped his arms around JK's muscular torso, bringing him in even closer as they deepened the kiss.

Jungkook felt himself melting as goosebumps flooded his skin and butterflies danced in his stomach. He felt himself getting lightheaded as blood rushed to his nether regions. Jimin's lips were intoxicating. They were so soft but so fucking full and luscious. He could suck on them all day.

But he also wanted to do other things. Things he had read about. Things he had watched. He imagined Jimin's smooth skin beneath his fingers, his ass jiggling as he pounded into him. A guttural groan left him as he felt his dick straining against his jeans. He broke their fiery kiss, "Jimin...w-would it be too soon if we had sex on the first date?"


Hi my favourite people!!!
It's so good to be back finally!!! It's been so long😭 I missed you lovelies!

So triple update.


Your comments will determine the next chapter!

Question: Should Jikook do the dirty on their first date?😏

Get the comments in so I can update tomorrow. Thanks loves!

PS: I hope you guys are still interested in this book😢


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